[Carlos Sainz]

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I watched as Alessandro spoke to Carlos and Charles excitedly about something, but in turn, Carlos was being an idiot and glaring at the poor man who was only trying his best to be nice. 
I approached them with my arms crossed at my chest, ready to intervene in case Carlos started being irrational, but as soon as he spotted my approach, Carlos politely excused himself and came towards me. 
"Do I even want to ask?" I questioned as I rose an eyebrow, and Carlos shook his head sheepishly.
"You probably really don't" 
I looked at him, heaving a deep sigh, "Alessandro was only being nice Carlos, stop glaring at the poor man." 
"He was getting all cozy with you." Carlos pouted, making me run a hand over my hair in frustration. 
"Seriously," I complained, reaching up to press a kiss to Carlos's cheek, "He was being nice and trying to explain mechanics to me." 
"Since when do you have an interest in mechanics?" 
"Since my idiot boyfriend and younger brothers rely on it to be safe while driving God knows how fast in death traps." 
Carlos laughed, "Did you just call me an idiot?"
"Do you have any sort of hard proof that you aren't?" 
Carlos laughed, "I may have."
I glared at him, "Back to our previous issue," I bumped into him, "control the jealous dimwit inside you. Alessandro was being nice while you two idiots were busy. Would you rather I stand awkwardly in a corner?" 
Carlos sighed, "You wouldn't stand awkwardly in any corners mi amor." 
I rolled my eyes at him, "Yeah, I don't see Arthur, Ollie, or anyone else here. Not even Charles's girlfriend came this weekend, and I have yet to see Lily or Carmen. Alessandro was nice and kept me busy."
"He was giving you the heart eyes."
"You say that about every guy in existence Carlos. I'm not that attracti-"
Carlos kissed me deeply, dipping me slightly to the ground as I heard an uncomfortable cough from somewhere near us.
"I dare you to finish that sentence," Carlos muttered, making me roll my eyes.
"Jesus man, I was just trying to make a point."
"Either Carlos or some cute pet name. I honestly prefer pet names, but take your pick."
"Either call me Carlos or the pet names you usually call me. Don't call me 'man' or 'Jesus' or whatever it is."
I laughed incredulously, "You're unbelievable, Carlos."
"I'll admit I am if you admit Alessandro was hitting on you."
I groaned, "He was not!"
Carlos rose an eyebrow, "He's been staring at you since I came here."
"Maybe because you're sort of being a drama queen."
"I am? When it comes to you, I think it's justified."
"Carlos, seriously, look me in the eyes," I said as I held Carlos's face between my hands, "He was being nice, and at this moment, he's only looking because you are talking a tad too loud and he probably overheard his name. Got it?"
Carlos hummed, "What were you saying? I was trying to listen but you have really beautiful eyes."
I blushed as I took three deep breaths, "I swear Carlos, I'll cut your brakes."
"It's not my fault you have such gorgeous eyes!" 
I rolled my eyes, "I swear to God Carlos, I'm about to-"
"Tell me you love me and kiss me?" 
I huffed, "Alright, I need to find someone else to talk to before I get mad at you for being so infuriating."
Carlos smiled sheepishly, "Can I get a kiss before?"
I chuckled, pressing my lips to Carlos's briefly, "I'll go see if I can find Arthur or Ollie somewhere around. And you, mister," I pointed my finger at his chest as Carlos looked fondly at me, "work on your jealousy issues. Alessandro's a pretty cool guy who was not hitting on me."
Carlos rolled his eyes, "Yeah, we'll see about that mi amor."
I took a deep breath as I waved Carlos back to my brother, while I set off in search of my youngest brother, Arthur, and Ollie, who had both come to watch the race.
It didn't take me long to find my younger brother, Ollie, and our older brother Lorenzo. "Hello!" 
The three men turned to me, and Ollie was the first to react, hugging me tightly, "It's been so long! You never come to our races anymore!" 
I laughed as I hugged him tightly, "I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'll try to go to more, I promise." 
As soon as Ollie let me go, my two brothers pulled me into a hug between them, complaining about how they never saw me anymore.
"So, how's the Mrs. life treating you?" Lorenzo asked with a small smile and I giggled.
"I'm not a Mrs., Enzo. Is the old age finally catching up to you?" I asked as I crossed my arms and Arthur laughed.
"From what Charles told us, you're spending more time at Carlos's than at your own home." 
I huffed, "Why is Charles giving away details of my personal life without my consent?"
"Because you don't ever give us these kinds of details?" Lorenzo asked with a laugh and I rolled my eyes.
"Well, shut up." I complained as I felt the blush rise to my cheeks before I reached to hug Ollie, "But you, kiddo, you're doing awesome this season, congrats! Just because I don't go see the races it doesn't mean I haven't been keeping up." 
Ollie smiled brightly at me, "Thanks!"
"No compliments for your own brother?" Arthur asked and I smiled at him, reaching to hug him as well, "You're also doing amazing Arthur, and I'm really proud of you!"
"What about me?" Lorenzo asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes, "You're a grown man, do you really need your sister to compliment you?"
"It would be nice to know you have something nice to say about me."
"Your girlfriend is very sweet, I like her a lot."
"How is that complimenting me?!"
"I'm implicitly complimenting your taste in romantic partners. Take it or leave it." 
Lorenzo mumbled something I wasn't sure about before he muttered something about going to see Charles and heading away, but not before kissing my head and assuring me he was very happy to see me.
"Are you guys watching from here or the garage?"
They both shrugged, "Are you watching with us?"
I nodded, "Yeah, I think so. I need to duck down to the garages to wish Carles good luck, but we can come back here if you guys want."
Ollie shrugged, "Sounds unpractical, we can just go down there with you and watch from the garage." 

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