[ Max Verstappen]

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I stared at the man sitting on the hotel bed, my jaw hanging open as I groaned in annoyance

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I stared at the man sitting on the hotel bed, my jaw hanging open as I groaned in annoyance.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Verstappen?"
Max, for all his faults, seemed totally unbothered, "Chilling? What does it look like, Ricciardo?"
I pinched the bridge of my nose, knowing my brother and Lando had played a part in this for sure. And they were about to get a piece of my mind.
"It looks, to me, that you are sitting in my room."
"Our room, sweet cheeks." Max corrected me and I rolled my eyes.
"How are you so cool with this? Got anything you want to tell me?"
I put my suitcase in the corner, starting to unpack and put away my things.
"If your brother and Lando joined forces and convinced Christian to sign below this, there isn't much we can do, now is there?"
I huffed, grabbing my phone, "Watch me actually do something."
I dialed my brother's number but it went straight to voicemail, so I settled for calling Lando.

"Sup baby?" Lando asked as soon as he picked up and I huffed.
"I got a bone to pick with you Norris." I said as I heard Lando giggling, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"
"Right now? About to hop in the shower, why? Want to join me?"
"You know what I mean you cunt! Why the fuck would you feel like it was a good idea to get me and my teammate to share the hotel room for the week?"
"Oh! That!" I heard Lando giggle, "Pretty genius right? You two are my best mates and hate each other's guts, so I thought I'd fix two problems in one solution."
"You bitch!" I glanced at Max, watching the amused smile on his face, making me want to strangle him, "I swear Lando, watch out tomorrow, some brakes might be cut in your car."
"Mick's driving for a little tomorrow. Do you really want to hurt Schumi Jr.?"
I ran a hand through my hair, "I hate you, Norris, hope you're aware."
"Nah, you love me. Enjoy sharing the bed with Max!"
How did he-
"Lando Norris, you cunt!"

By the time I had insulted him, Lando had hung up already, so I just put my phone away and looked at Max, pondering how to thread after this, because some of my friends from high school had made it to come to see the race and we were going out tonight, so I didn't really know if I should warn him or just let him deal with it when he came to it. Drunk Me was usually quite a deal.
"I'm assuming calling your lover boy was unhelpful."
I looked at Max, tilting my head, "What do you mean lover boy? Lando's like my younger brother."
Max laughed, "Oh, don't get me wrong, I have no idea what he sees in you either, but he does see something."
I shook my head. Max was lying. He was just trying to get a rise out of me.
"Whatever. I'm going out tonight, so refrain from taking up the whole bed, okay?"
Max looked at me, "Oh so we're sharing the bed?"
I huffed, picking out some clothes for tonight so I could go get ready. "We are, got a problem?"
"Though luck I'm not sleeping on the sofa or the floor."
"Looks like we're sharing then, because I'm not sleeping on the floor or the sofa either," Max smirked and I put up my middle finger, slipping into the bathroom and locking the door.


Three twenty-two in the morning.
That was how late it was when I was woken up by my phone ringing.
I read "Ricciardo Jr" on the screen, and huffed, but answered immediately when I remembered she had gone out.
"Maxie," she slurred and I immediately sat up in my bed, because she wouldn't be calling me if she had no other choice, "I'm sorry."
"What happened? Do you need me to pick you up?"
I put the phone on speaker as I put on something else, the silence from her end making me insanely anxious.
" I don't know where my friends went Maxie. I can't call Danny, he'll kill me and he'll tell me he was right, and Lando isn't- he isn't picking- not answering he never has his phone with sound or vibration."
I could hear her sobs through the phone, making me sigh as I picked up my wallet and car keys to go get her, "Stay calm, okay Y/N? I promise I'm on the way. Are you alone or are there any people around you?"
"I-I'm dizzy Maxie." I jumped down the stairs, not willing to wait a single second for the elevator, not when she was this bad, "I didn't drink much, I swear, I don't know what happened Maxie. I'm sorry."
"Stop saying you're sorry, please," I said as I reached the hotel lobby, "Can you send me your location? So I can go and find you."
Y/N was silent for a little as I raced to my car and got in before my phone dinged with a notification from Y/N.
I put the call on speaker, getting Y/N's location on the GPS. "You did a great job, okay? Now stay put and try not to be in places without people, okay? I'm coming to get you."
"I'm sorry, Maxie," she slurred again as she cried, "I actually- actually..."
Her voice sounded like she was drifting off, and I had to do everything in my power to stop that or Lord knows what could happen to her. "Y/N, c'mon, you gotta stay awake, okay? Aren't there a group of girls or something that you can join?"
"No," her voice was soft and I looked at my phone, slowing down when I saw I was nearing her, "I-I think I'm being p-pa-paranaroid Maxie."
"Y/N, I'm almost there okay?" I parked the car and grabbed my phone, hopping out and crossing the street, near the clubs, "Why are you paranoid?"
"I- I think there's a creepy guy- he-he's after me. He-he was- the bar, Maxie my drink! He-he s-served, Maxie. Maxie, I think he's onto me."
I rushed my pace, weaving through the people outside, before I spotted a woman leaning on the wall, barely able to stand. "Y/N, I think I can see you, alright? I'm right here." I broke through the crowded streets getting elbowed and cussed at a few times, but I couldn't give less of a shit about it.

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