[Yuki Tsunoda]

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I whipped around when I heard someone yelling my name and smiled softly when I saw Yuki.

"Hi Yuki! What brings you here?"

Yuki offered me a sheepish smile, "Oh you know, just wanted to have a little chat before the race."

I giggled lightly at his words, but before I could answer, I heard someone call Yuki's name.

We both turned around, seeing Pierre Gasly, who looked at the two of us, before smirking, "Am I interrupting?"

"Yuki said-"

"NO!" Yuki said fast as he blushed, "No, we were just... chatting, that's all."

Pierre smirked, looking in my direction, "Bonjour, chérie. I'm Pierre, and you?"

He reached for my hand, kissing it and I squirmed a little, not really comfortable with such close proximity.

"Y/N, I'm Valtteri's engineer."

Pierre's face lit up in realization, "You're the Y/N? You're the girl Yuki's-"

"Shut up, tripod."

My eyes widened, I'd never heard Yuki speak so harshly before.

Mainly because he was always smiling and speaking softly, at least when I was around.

Pierre smirked, "Enchanté de te rencontrer, ma chérie."

I looked at him, uncertain of what to answer because I had no idea what he'd just said as I did not speak croissant. Pierre smiled before turning to Yuki, "I'll give you somewhere between 5 and 10 extra minutes to get to the garage, everyone's looking for you. Use that time wisely, Yukino."

Pierre walked away as we both watched him. "That's your teammate?"

Yuki's eyes snapped to me, "You never met Pierre before?"

I smiled slightly, nodding "Thank God I didn't, I didn't want to be rude, but the whole French-speaking and kissing my hand thing sort of creeped me out."

Yuki seemed relieved at my words, offering me a grin, "I'll make sure he won't do it again."

Yuki offered me a grin, "Shouldn't you be getting ready for the Free Practice?"

I smiled brightly, "So should you."

Yuki chuckled, "You know I can't race without talking to you before."

I raised an eyebrow, "And you never told me why."

Yuki shrugged, "Who knows," He pulled his sunglasses down to shield himself from the sun, and something told me he did know, he didn't want to tell me, "How are you feeling about today's race?"

I laughed, "I should be asking you that, I'm an engineer and you're a driver."

Yuki shrugged, "With the car we have, we'll have to make do."

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