[Lando Norris]

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"I just found out who the guy from yesterday is," I said softly to my best friend, Mila, as I turned my phone to her, showing her the pictures that were taken of me with a man, "Apparently an F1 driver."

Mila wheezed in laughter, not even glancing at my phone, "Quit joking around."

I groaned, "I'm not." I pushed the phone into her hands, "Look at this."

Mila looked at my phone in silence for a minute, "Y/N, what the hell does this mean?"

"How the hell would I know?!" I screeched, taking the phone from her hands just as it began ringing with a call from an unknown number, "What do I do?!"

"Answer the fucking call!"

I answered the phone, breathing deeply before I spoke, "Hello?"

"Hi," a shy but hoarse voice spoke on the other side, "Is this Y/N Y/Last/N?"

"This is she," I answered back, "Who am I talking to?"

"It's Lando, from last night," I sucked in a deep breath, "I wanted to apologize for what I dragged you into. I should have warned you."

I stood from the table, moving to the balcony as Mila understood I was trying to have a more private conversation, even if I would be telling her all about it, "It's okay, I don't regret it either way."

I heard him sigh in relief, "I'm still sorry, I know you got thrown into the limelight."

"Don't worry about it, Lando."

"Let me make up for it," he began softly, "Do you live in Monaco?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Awesome! Dinner tonight?"

I blushed, stuttering a little as I tried to accept, "I- of course, but only if you stay for breakfast." There was a small pause before I began apologizing profusely at the words that came from my mouth, and heard Lando laughing, "Well when you put it that way, I simply can't decline."

We spoke for a little longer to sort out the details, before I hung up, returning to Mila.

"So, that was Lando."

Mila stared at me, her eyes going wide, "And?!"

"I have a date."

"It's your first date in-" she quickly

looked at her phone, "203 days!"

"You have that noted down?!"

"Well, yeah, I have to, you don't do it yourself."


"I have a date." I said to Max and Pietra.

Max blinked, staring at me before he laughed, "Was she still drun- ouch! P! What was that for?!"

"You were about to be mean, not on my watch!"

Max pouted as he rubbed the arm Pietra had pinched, "This is abuse."

Pietra shrugged before turning to me, "Do you have a date plan?"

I shook my head, "I want to do something that grants us privacy but at the same time isn't a first date cliché."

Pietra nodded, "Give me an hour or two and I'll come up with a few ideas."


I woke up to the smell of pancakes and fresh coffee, and I walked to my kitchen, finding Y/N making us breakfast.

"Morning," I said with a smile and Y/N turned around, looking adorable in the clothes I had let her borrow.

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