[Lance Stroll]

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I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched A bunch of girls surrounding Lance and talking to him and touching him and I couldn't do anything about it

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I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched A bunch of girls surrounding Lance and talking to him and touching him and I couldn't do anything about it. Well, I could, but not without causing a scene, which would reflect badly on both of our public images, so I shut up. 
I took another sip of my drink as I sat with Daniel and Heidi, as everyone else was on the dance floor enjoying the music.
Lance's eyes turned to me and he smiled, but I turned my head away, turning to Heidi and giving her a small smile. 
"What's up, buttercup?" Heidi asked and I sighed, shaking my head. 
"It's nothing, don't worry." I said, finishing my drink, "Do you guys want to dance? I'm in the mood for dancing, let's go dancing."
I went to the dance floor, spotting Kika and Alexandra dancing together and joining them, "Hi guys!" 
"You okay? Lance is surrounded by fangirls." Alexandra said and I shrugged. 
"It doesn't seem like he's trying to lose them either." I muttered sourly as I glanced in his direction, seeing him break through the group of girls, or at least trying as he pointed at me and said something to the girls. 
"He only has eyes for you, Y/N." Kika comforted and I sighed, she reached to grab my hands, "Now c'mon, let's dance together." 
I let the two girls sway me and we danced together for some time, until Lance came over to us.
"May I have this dance?" 
I huffed, giving the two girls a small smile before walking away, catching Lance's shoulders dropping as his mouth hung in surprise.
We were in a club filled with people, I doubted this would hardly cause a scene. I just lost my will to dance. 
I bumped into some people, before I managed to find the exit door. I went through, feeling relieved that at least I'd come out through the backdoor and not many people were here, apart from the security guards and as I looked around, I spotted Yuki, with Carlos.
"Hey guys, mind if I join?" I asked as the looked at me.
"Of course, sit here." Carlos offered me a smile as he and Yuki shuffled a little so that I could sit down. I gladly obliged, offering them both a thankful smile, "What are you guys doing outside?"
"Could ask you the same." Yuki said from beside me and I shrugged.
"We just needed the fresh hair and to be away from some of the girls inside."
I rolled my eyes at the mention of girls, "At least you two had the decency of getting away from the girls, some of the drivers who are in serious relationships decided to just let themselves be." I said bitterly and Carlos looked at me. "Was it Lance?" 
I let my head fall back slightly before I sighed, "Yeah, there was a bunch of girls around him and they were all smiles and showing cleavage and touching him, and I was getting pissed because it didn't seem like he was even trying to get away from them." I looked at the two of them, "I swear I'm not usually this jealous."
Carlos laughed, "Hey, it's okay. It's not like we'd judge you." 
"Maybe Lance just couldn't break free from them?" Yuki suggested, "I don't think he'd voluntarily be surrounded by women given you two are in a relationship."
I sighed, "He was coming after me and I just fled the place. I don't want to cause a scene and honestly," I felt myself beginning to tear up and a chill overcame me, "at this point, I just want to get home." 
Carlos and Yuki shared a look, before Carlos asked, "Did you drive here?" 
I shook my head, "No, Lance and I carpooled with Daniel and Heidi." 
"Do you want us to drive you home? We came here together as well, and we don't mind dropping you off."
I shrugged, biting my lip, "I don't want to bother you guys,"
"Nonsense!" Carlos said brightly, "Of course, we don't mind."
I smiled, "Thank you." 
"Don't you think you should just text Lance, just to let him know you're going home?" 
I shrugged, "I'll text him when I get home, it's okay."
We walked to private underground parking and Carlos unlocked his car, gesturing for me and Yuki to climb in. 
I gave him the address to the apartment Lance and I had rented for our vacation here in Monaco and we drove, the three of us making small talk.
Carlos and Yuki were two stand-up guys they were absolutely lovely the whole time, and since I had begun dating Lance they had always been sweet and polite to me.
"Is this it?" Carlos asked and I nodded as I looked at the building.
"Yes, thank you so much again." I said softly as I smiled at both of them, "DO you guys want to come up and have some water or something to eat?"
"Oh, no thanks, I'm just about ready to go to bed." Carlos laughed as Yuki agreed and I shrugged.
"Well, it's your loss, I'm a terrific cook. Either way, shoot me a text when you both get home."
"Don't forget to text Lance." Carlos warned as I got out of the car and I nodded. 
"Yeah, I'll just go inside so I can take off my shoes before I text him. Drive safe you two!"
I watched them drive away for a little, before I pulled out my phone and went to my notes, to get the codes for the downstairs door. I took the elevator to the third floor, and soon I was inside the apartment. I locked the door, taking off my shoes, before getting my phone back out and clicking on Lance's contact, from whom I already had two new messages.

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