husband & wife

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Julie's pov.
Today is the day I've been waiting for my whole life! I woke up super nervous but excited at 5am and took a shower, ate breakfast and quickly made myself ready. The wedding should start at 10am and I have to drive over at Flynns she is going to do my hair and make up.
"Wow. Thank you Flynn" I smile in the mirror and she nods.
"Ready?" She asks and I nod.
We get in the car and drive to the location where I dress in my wedding dress and Emily helps me with the finishing touches.
"Beautiful girl" Emily smiles and I smile back.
Dad walks in and I see tears build up in his eyes.
"Oh mija! You look beautiful" he says and hugs me.
"Ready mija?" He asks and I take his arm.
"100%" I smile.

Luke's pov.
I nervously stand infront of all our friends and family. Waiting for Julie and Ray to come and walk down the aisle. It's a small wedding with just us and our families and closest friends.
Alex gives me a -stay-calm-look and I nod.
Suddenly the music starts playing and I see the most beautiful woman in this whole wide world walk down the aisle with Ray. Tears build in my eyes and I smile at the beautiful soon to be wife. She has tears in her eyes too and smiles at me as she reaches me and I take her hand. Oh my god.
"I pronounce you now husband and wife! You may kiss the bride"
Applause fills the air but I just look at my beautiful wife and I kiss her. After the kiss she hugs me and cries on my chest.
"I love you" she whispers.
"I love you" I whisper back. Soon family and friends surround us and we get hugged and smiled at.
"This was so beautiful" Flynn cries and hugs me.
"Oh my son is married now" Dad hugs me and I give him a smile.
"Let's eat everybody!" Julie yells and I take her hand and walk to our seats.

Julie's pov.
After we ate way to much it's time for speeches. Flynn is the first one she stands up and smiles at me.
"Julie and Luke" She stops and wipes away her tears.
"I remember the day Julie told me that she is madly in love with Luke. I laughed and thought she was crazy at the time. Over the time I soon realized that Luke is also madly in love with my best friend. I was even happier when we both had a boyfriend who are now our husband's. They grow up so fast! I wish you both the best! I love you both as my best friends!"
I stand up to hug her and everyone claps.
Alex stands up and clears his throat.
"Uh hello everyone. This speech is from me and Reggie but he is too shy to tell it so I do it for both of us." He chuckles and I do too.
"I remember well when Luke told me and Reggie that he wanted to take Julie on a date. I said "finally!" And got a pillow thrown on my face. Me and Reggie knew that they were in love since they first met we were just waiting for the day he asks her on a date! Long story short: he asked her, she said yes and here we are today. At their wedding!" He finishes and everyone claps.
"Thank you Alex" Luke stands up and takes out a paper out of his pocket and clears his throat.
"Okay imma cry" Luke explains and we all laugh.
"Dear Julie!

love you, in ways you've never been loved, for reasons you've never been told, for longer than you think you deserved and with more you will ever know existed inside me Julie.
I will love you until we are stars in the sky! I loved you since I first met you in your garage. Everyday I wake up next to you and your wonderful smile and personality. I love every single thing of you! Your voice, your smile just everything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side! I can't wait to someday have a mini Julie in my arms- and it will work out, I know that! But until then, I will continue to love you with my whole heart.
I love you and I'm pretty sure that I found my soulmate." Luke wipes away his tears and I do too. I stand up and give him a big hug.
After I hold my speech everyone started talking and eating the big massive chocolate wedding cake.
"May I dance with you princess?" Luke asks and I smile and get up.
Slow music plays, dad and Amanda, Flynn and Reggie as well as Mitch and Emily join us dancing. I put my arms around Luke's neck and he places his hands in my waist.
"This is perfect" he says and I smile.
"It is"
We dance for quite a while, my head in Luke's chest just holding eachother and enjoys this wonderful moment.
"My feet hurt from my stupid high heels" I tell him and he giggles.
"Yes let's take a break" he says and we sit down again where I pull out other shoes from under the table where I've been keeping them.
"Wow you have everything planned out huh?" Alex chuckles and I nod.
"Not what comes next" Luke says and kisses me before he gets up.
"What is he doing?" I ask Alex and Willie.
"You'll see" Alex says and I look back at Luke he is now talking with the live band and soon Alex and Reggie walk up to Luke too. Oh I maybe know what they are going to do.
The music stops and all out guests sit down. Flynn gives me a wide smile and I wrinkle my forehead. Seems like everyone knows about what comes next.
"This is a song only for the person I love the most...Julie!" Luke says in the microphone and sits down with his guitar on a chair and starts to play as well as the guys behind him.
I know this song it's perfect from Ed Sheehan. My favorite love song. It sounds even better with Luke's beautiful voice. He looks at me the whole time he sings and after he finished I have to wipe away some of my tears that roll down my face.

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