erease me

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Julie's pov.
Me and Luke sit at the dinner table eating pasta like we always do on a Friday night. The last few days I've been planning to tell him that I need to leave... I have to tell him tonight. Now?
I nervously put my fork on the side and look at him he is quietly eating. Normally we used to talk and laugh so much.
"Luke?" I ask and he looks up giving me a small smile.
"I....." I take a deep breath.
"I need a divorce" I whisper and he drops his fork on the plate making me jump a little.
"What?" He asks.
"I'm so sorry" I mumble.
"B-but why?" Luke's eyes are now teary and I have to hold mine back too.
"You'll have a better life with another woman" I explain and he looks at me with the -are-you-crazy- look.
"But no I do not! Julie!"
"Yes you do!" I cry now and get up to put my plate in the dishwasher. I'm not hungry anymore.
"Julie!" Luke gets up now too.
"Why? Am I not good enough? Do you love someone else?" He asks and I shake my head.
"I'm useless Luke! You need to find someone who can make you a father!" I yell and he looks shock.
"Julie." He looks sad and it breaks my heart to do this to him. But it's the best.
For him.
"I do this for you Luke! Only for you!" I cry.
"But Julie! I don't care if we have children the only thing that matters is you, us!" He cries.
"No you don't and you know that!" I yell.
"Julie please. We can find a solution please! Please don't leave me" he cries and I take a breath.
"You need to let me go and fall inlove with another woman! Do it for you! Let me go......Please! I just want you to be happier!" I cry.
"Jules! I love you! Only you!" He yells.
"I'm sorry Luke" I run out the room crying hysterically.
I packed some things in a little backpack and drove over to my house. Dad and Carlos didn't ask me questions. I ran in my room and cried the whole night. I woke up with a headache from all the crying and now walk downstairs where Dad and Carlos are eating breakfast.
I sigh and sit down too. Of course Amanda walks in the kitchen too. I'm still not used to my dad having a girlfriend. And me and Carlos still don't love her.
"I heard what happend mija" dad takes my hand and he looks sad.
"Dad just....don't say anything" I say and he nods.
"I told you that it was too early to marry" Amanda spits out and dad gives her a angry look.
I ignore her and eat half a pancake. After that I decide to take a walk through the suburbs. And without even thinking about it I ring at Luke's family home door. I need Emily right now.
Emily opens the door and I hug her instantly.
"Oh darling" she rubs my back while I cry on her shoulder.
Somehow I suddenly sit on the sofa. I didn't even realize it. I can't even see anything from all the crying.
"Take a deep breath Julie" Emily says in her calm voice and I take a breath.
I wipe over my face and she gives me a tissue.
"I'm so sorry Emily" I cry and she pats my back.
"It's okay sweetie" she brushes through my hair.
"I'm so sorry" I sniffle and Emily takes my hand.
"Don't worry" she whispers.

Luke's pov.
My mom called me and said to come over immediately. I don't even now why. I feel empty and sad as I walk up to the front door. Julie. I can only think about Julie. She opens up the door and pulls me in a hug.
"Shhh" she whispers and I wrinkle my forehead and walk in. She points at the sofa. Where is see dark curly hair. Julie! She is okay! She is sleeping wrapped up in a blanket.
I look back at mom and she takes my hand and we sit down in the kitchen.
"I know what happend, she told me" mom takes my hands in hers and I nod and sigh.
"She loves you Luke, but she doesn't love herself anymore" she explains.
"I don't know what to do mom"
"Give her time. And then talk! You have to find a solution that is okay with you both. It's making her loose herself. You two are so strong and I know what the problem is Luke. She thinks she is ruining your life if she doesn't get pregnant and children. She wants it for you. She wants you to be happy"
I wipe some tears away that suddenly roll down my cheeks.
"Mom I love her so much. I thought I'm the problem" I cry and she kisses my forehead.

Julie's pov.
"Jules?" I hear Luke's voice?
"Luke?" I open my eyes and look into Luke's green eyes.
I sit up and pull Luke down for a hug. He seems surprised for a second but hugs me back.
"I'am so sorry Julie. I'am so sorry for not being there for you i-"
"No! You are not the problem. You did everything right. I'am. I'am the problem" I whisper and Luke sits down next to me and takes my hands.
"Julie. You are perfect the way you are. I love you. And it is all NOT your fault. It's no ones fault. Okay? We will have a baby one day I promise you this. And to be honest all that matters is you. I want you to be happy and be together with your good and kind way to live. I want you to be happier and i just want to talk with you and find a solution. I promise I will help you through EVERYTHING! And we will do this together. I love you Julie. So so incredibly much. Please come back home" Luke says and I fight back tears.
"Oh Luke" I whisper and he hugs me tight. I close my eyes while my head leans on his shoulder and he carefully rubs my back. I sigh and hug back tight too.
"I love you Luke. I always did. I just think i make you unhappy." I explain and he pulls out to take my face in his hands. He wipes a tear away with his thumb.
"You don't! I thought I made you unhappy Jules." He whispers before he kisses me gentle.
We talked for soooo long and it felt so good. After a while we said our goodbyes and drove to my house. To pick up my stuff. Unfortunately Amanda was the only one here since dad and Carlos went to visit Tia viktoria.
I decided to clean the kitchen since dad is always so busy and Amanda doesn't really like to clean. I roll my eyes and wipe down the corner as I hear someone walk in. I look up and see Amanda. Of course.
"Oh sweetheart. You don't have to do that" she smiles with her way to big smile.
I ignore her and start cleaning the dishes next. She sits down at the table and watches me. Like girl! She could just help me!
As Luke comes in she looks at him surprised.
"Oh seems like you two talked?" She says and Luke nods and helps me with the dishes.
"We did" I say and she nods.
"Good" she says and I give Luke a annoyed look. He grins and kisses my forehead.
"Why won't you help us Amanda?" I ask and she looks shock that I ask something like that.
"Oh sweetheart I'am so tired today" she groans and I scoff.
"Of course" I give her a fake smile.
"So your dad told me about your infertility issues" she grins and I sigh.
"Hm-mhm" I mumble and Luke gives me a -don't-care-about-her look.
"Well thats just too sad. Why won't you two adopt a child" she says.
Can you just shut up!
"We've only been trying for 9 months" Luke says and rubs over my back.
"Only? That's a long while!" She says.
"Well sweetheart maybe a child is just way to early for you. You're only 21" she explains.
"Amanda." Luke says in a warning tone.
"Can you just shut up and mind your own damn business!" I yell and for a moment she looks real shock.
"Oh sweetheart I've never heard you yell at me before! I will have a talk about that with your father" she says still smiling this stupid smile!
"First of all, I am 21! I don't care a single thing that you tell my father! And second,!!" I yell and feel Luke's warm hand holding mine.
"But unfortunately your mother is dead! So I'am your mother now" she says and all I wanna do is just scream at her!
"Shut up!" Luke says and I feel how angry he gets now too.
"No you're not because you're not married to my dad! And you will never ever be my mother!" I yell and walk upstairs with Luke. I hate her!!

Luke's pov.
Julie is walking back and forth in her room while I lay on bed watching her. Amanda is horrible!
"I hate her!" She says and I nod.
"Me too Jules me too. Wanna go home?" I ask and she sits down next to me.
"I want to wait until dad and Carlos are home. I haven't seen them in a while and I want to say goodbye before we drive back home" she explains and I nod and kiss her cheek.
"Please don't take anything seriously Amanda says okay?"
"I try" she nods and stands up again to walk up and down again.
"What if we never have children Luke?" She suddenly asks.
"Don't think that! It will work out and if not we will find another solution that is perfect for us both. " I say what my mom said to me earlier.
"Okay" She gives me a small smile and I even see a little spark of hope in her eyes for a second.
We both lay in our bed back in our home. I brush through Julie's hair and she smiles at me.
"I love you very much" she whispers and I smile.
"I love you very much too Jules"
I kiss her all over her face and she cuddles into me.
"Goodnight beautiful" I whisper knowing damn well she is already asleep on my chest. I smile and kiss her cheek.
"We got this Julie. We got this." I smile and kiss her nose.

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