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Adriana Bolt, a 25-year-old resident of an opulent neighborhood, discovered that amidst the glitter of wealth, happiness was elusive. At the tender age of 5, she faced the heart-wrenching loss of her mother to lung cancer, leaving her in the care of her father, whose struggles with alcohol added shadows to her upbringing.

In a twist of fate, Adriana's maternal grandmother swooped in as a guardian angel, offering a sanctuary of love and stability. The halls of her grandparents' home echoed with laughter, creating a mosaic of precious memories that illuminated her formative years.

As her father embarked on a journey of rehabilitation, Adriana yearned for a rekindling of the father-daughter bond, yet the complexities of life cast shadows over their connection upon his return. Despite the absence of the envisioned closeness, Adriana's heart harbored gratitude; for, in his flawed journey, her father never chose to abandon her, weaving a tale of resilience and unconventional familial ties in the tapestry of her life.

At the age of 18, while pursuing her studies at the esteemed University of Harvard, Adriana Bolt not only navigated the challenging academic landscape but also ventured into the world of hands-on experience by securing her first job as a lab assistant. Her days were a delicate balance of academia and the tangible thrill of scientific exploration, creating a mosaic of growth.

Determined and driven, she continued her work at Harvard until the triumphant moment of graduation. Seizing the next chapter, Adriana set her sights on a new horizon, applying for the position of Junior Scientific Assistant at the renowned "Cosmix Lab." This leap marked not just a transition in her career but a cosmic alignment of her passion for science and her unwavering commitment to exploration.


Adriana's love story unfolded at the tender age of 19, a chance encounter on her way to work leading to a serendipitous meeting with Daniel Collins. Four years her senior, he charmed her with a simple request for her number and an invitation for coffee after her shift—a gesture that set the stage for an inseparable connection.

Their love deepened over 2 and a half years, culminating in a heartfelt proposal from Daniel, the CEO of the globally renowned COLLINS INC. Their engagement spanned a year, a deliberate pause before they embarked on the journey down the aisle.

Daniel's billion-dollar empire didn't shield him from the enchantment of Adriana. Love struck him like lightning when he first glimpsed her leaving a coffee shop during a business meeting. Determined to script their destiny, he orchestrated a chance meeting the next day, weaving a tale of romance that began with flowers for his mother and the bold request for her number, setting the stage for a love story that would span lifetimes.

In the tapestry of their married life, Adriana and Daniel experienced the ebb and flow familiar to every couple. Through the inevitable highs and lows, they navigated challenges with a steadfast commitment to each other. Their journey echoed the age-old truth that, at the day's end, love remained the unwavering force that conquered all obstacles, weaving a narrative of resilience, understanding, and enduring affection.

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Adriana's heart raced as she anxiously waited for the pregnancy test results, the weight of uncertainty hanging in the air. In the quiet solitude of her bathroom, she discovered the life-altering news – she was pregnant. A surge of happiness flooded her, but it was quickly tempered by the realization that Daniel, her beloved husband, had expressed no fondness for the idea of having children.

Caught in the delicate balance between her joy and his apprehension, Adriana sat frozen, torn between the desire to share her newfound happiness with him and the knowledge that it might be met with resistance. The echoes of their past conversations about children lingered, adding an unexpected layer of complexity to this moment of revelation.

Adriana, with a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, mustered the courage to face the challenging conversation ahead. As she approached Daniel's study, her mind raced with thoughts of how to disclose her pregnancy. With a deep breath, she knocked on the door, and without waiting for a response, she opened it, bracing herself for the potential storm that awaited, hoping that love and understanding would somehow prevail in the midst of this unexpected revelation.

"Need anything, love?" Daniel inquired, his familiarity with Adriana's unique way of entering his space reflecting the intimacy they shared since their engagement.

Adriana, unable to find her voice, approached him and placed the pregnancy test on his desk. The room hung in a pregnant pause as Daniel, with a puzzled expression, picked up the test, the weight of the moment dawning upon him.

"Are you—?" Daniel began, only to be cut off by Adriana's swift confirmation.

The room plunged into a profound silence as Daniel absorbed the revelation. Adriana, sensing his reluctance, felt tears stream down her cheeks, the weight of an emotional storm settling in the air. The unspoken truth hung heavily between them, a poignant moment that spoke volumes without uttering a single word.

"I will find a clinic to terminate the pregnancy. I will try my best to schedule it by this week or the next one," Adriana uttered, the weight of her decision heavy in the air as she began to exit the room with a broken heart.

"Wait... What? We're keeping the baby," Daniel declared, abruptly standing up. He intercepted Adriana, standing before her, and gently wiped away her tears. The sudden twist in their conversation marked a pivotal moment, the couple now facing an unexpected crossroad together.

"What?? But you hate children," Adriana exclaimed, caught off guard by Daniel's unexpected change of heart.

"Yes... But I love my wife more. So, if she wants us to have a baby, then we will have one," Daniel affirmed, his commitment to Adriana shining through his prior reservations.

Overwhelmed with a mix of emotions, Adriana was about to express her concerns, but Daniel, sensing her thoughts, spoke lovingly as he enveloped her in his arms, "But this baby will represent our love. So, I want our baby."

Tears of joy flowed freely as Adriana clung to him, embracing the newfound hope of building a family together. Daniel, with a tender touch, wiped away her tears, sealing their shared decision with a promise of enduring love and unity.

''Stop crying love...You know I can't see you like this.''

Adriana nodded and stood up on her toes to kiss her husband.

They shared a passionate kiss before parting to breathe in. They were looking into each other's eyes and both whispered at the same time, ''I love you.''

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