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Adaline Stale entered into an arranged marriage with Kade Cyprus and now finds herself wedded to a billionaire. At 27 years old, she, once a teacher in Norway, relocated to Italy after marrying Kade, who is 39. As a housewife, she navigates a life where Kade, engrossed in work, often displays a chilly demeanor towards her.

In the kitchen, Adaline prepared dinner as Kade entered, grabbing a bottle of water without acknowledging her efforts

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In the kitchen, Adaline prepared dinner as Kade entered, grabbing a bottle of water without acknowledging her efforts.

"Hey Kade, I made some—"

"Not now, Adaline," Kade coldly interrupted, heading straight to his study.

Thinking to offer the meal there, Adaline prepared a plate and approached his study. Kade, standing by his desk, sharply rejected her.

"I made some food, but I can just leave—"

"Adaline, I said not now. Get out!" Kade's harsh tone filled the room.

With a low voice, Adaline apologized, but Kade's angry outburst caused her to flinch. Taking the plate, she whispered an apology and left, tears welling in her eyes.

Ignoring his calls, Adaline stashed the food in the fridge and sought solace in a guest room, letting her tears flow freely.

Ignoring his calls, Adaline stashed the food in the fridge and sought solace in a guest room, letting her tears flow freely

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Returning home annoyed after a threatening incident involving Adaline, I, often cold in demeanor, struggled with expressing my emotions. Despite this, I love her dearly, considering her the apple of my eyes. Determined to protect her, I entered the kitchen, where she attempted to communicate, but I rudely brushed her off before retreating to my study.

Concerned for her safety, Adaline barged into my office minutes later, and in frustration, I shouted at her to leave me alone. Witnessing her flinch, my heart sank to the floor, realizing the unintended impact of my words on my beloved wife.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

She thought that I would hurt her?

Witnessing her tear-filled eyes, Adaline left, softly uttering, "I'm sorry." Despite calling her name, silence lingered.

"Fuck," I exclaimed, turning abruptly, and swept items off my table to the floor.

Overwhelmed, I found myself struggling to breathe, eventually sitting on the floor, hand on my chest, consumed by a weighty mix of emotions.

She knows that I would never hurt her right?

I would never dare to lay a hand on her.

Fuck, I'm such an idiot.

I need to make it up to her.

I need to fucking apologise.

I need to fucking apologise

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I was laying on the bed in one of our guest room. I couldn't make the tears stopped.

Why can't I just get over him? He doesn't like me anyway.

I was in my thoughts when I heard the door creak opened. I didn't need to look up to know who it is.

''Ada?'' Kade says in a gentle voice. It was the first time that he was calling me 'Ada.' It made me feels all giddy. ''Is it okay if I come in?''

I sniffle and said, ''Okay.''

Kade walked around the bed and I sat properly. He then crouches in front of me.

''I'm so sorry for shouting at you earlier baby and for being rude,'' he said rubbing the tears from my cheeks with his right hand.

I could feel butterflies in my stomach after hearing him call me baby. It is the first time he called me anything but my first name.

Kade looked like he's thinking for a second before he whispers, ''You know that I would never hurt you right? I would never hit you.''

I know that he wouldn't.

"I know. I didn't mean to flinch; I'm sorry," I expressed.

"Don't you dare apologize, Ada. It wasn't your fault," Kade responded, gently stroking my cheek.

"I know that I've been a terrible husband to you, baby. But I'm going to change that... I promise," he vowed.

"You didn't choose this marriage, Kade. So, I don't blame you," I reassured.

"I know, but I—" He paused, taking a deep breath. "I want this to be real, Ada. I love you since the day we said our vows."

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