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With a gentle lullaby, I nestled my little adventurer, Soan, into a peaceful nap after our lively park escapade. In the midst of my cappuccino-fueled study session, a call from my mother, Evangeline, interrupted the quiet hum of my thoughts.

''Son, may I come over?'' Her voice trembled through the phone.

''Yes,'' I replied, a subtle unease settling in.

I wanted to know what happened to her that made her voice sad and kind of shaky. I hope nothing bad happened to her.

As the clock ticked away an hour and a half, my mother finally arrived

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As the clock ticked away an hour and a half, my mother finally arrived. Stepping out of my study, we settled into the patio amidst the enchanting garden. A serene silence enveloped us as we gazed upon the scenic beauty.

Minutes drifted by, and the weight of unspoken words hung in the air. ''I sense a gravity in her silence,'' I pondered, anticipating the seriousness that lingered beneath the surface. The tranquility of the garden seemed to mirror the calm before a revealing storm.

Seated in silence, I summoned a maid and requested refreshments, attempting to ease the palpable tension

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Seated in silence, I summoned a maid and requested refreshments, attempting to ease the palpable tension. As the maid departed, the weight of unspoken words lingered, creating an uneasy atmosphere familiar to these serious conversations with my mother.

Soon, coffee and walnut cookies arrived, breaking the stillness. Nervously, my mother spoke, ''Son... I hope what I'm about to say won't anger you. And please, resist the urge to interrupt this time, as you always do.''

I nodded, concealing a subtle eye roll at her predictable request, readying myself for the revelation that awaited.

I nodded, concealing a subtle eye roll at her predictable request, readying myself for the revelation that awaited

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''What I need to share concerns little Soan,'' she cautiously began. My brow furrowed, but I signaled for her to proceed.

''Have you noticed any changes in his behavior lately?'' Her gaze studied me, seeking my thoughts.

''I suppose you've observed,'' she remarked, a small smile forming as she read my expression.

''Soan is livelier and more vibrant. He exudes happiness, a marked shift from the reserved, timid child he used to be,'' she continued. ''He's become more expressive, carefree, and everyone in the family is delighted by this positive transformation.''

A smile played on my lips as I absorbed my mother's words, realizing I shared in her joy for Soan's newfound happiness and sociability.

She set her cup down and moved closer to me. ''Son?''

I hummed in acknowledgment.

''You're aware it's all thanks to Lianna that Soan has blossomed like this?''

''I know, Mom,'' I sighed, a tinge of sadness coloring my response, recognizing the impact Lianna had on my son's positive transformation.

''But since Soan is no more seeing Lianna, he has been back to his old self,'' she said with a sad expression on her face. ''Please, let her back in his life.''

I was about to say something when mom interrupted me.

''I know that she lied to you and you don't like liars. She didn't want to hurt you intentionally. She loves you both a lot and I'm sure that you love her too,'' she said playfully.

''Yes mom, Soan loves her a lot.''

''Yeah, sure..Just Soan huh?''

''What will you do?'' Mom asked in a serious tone.

''I will bring my fiancée back mom.''

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