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Mara struggled to reach a high shelf for a book, her fingers desperately reaching out. Frustration etched on her face, she sighed, pushing her hair aside, eyes scanning for assistance.

Suddenly, a presence loomed behind her. Turning, she spotted a guy her age retrieving the elusive novel. His shirt revealed a hint of toned physique, emphasizing his considerable height.

Before Mara could request help, he handed her the book. Holding it in silence, she finally looked up, meeting his striking gaze that caused an unexpected blush.

''Thank you,'' Mara murmured, and he raised an eyebrow, puzzled.

Bending down to her level, he turned his head, his ear near her mouth, ''What was that?''

His voice, a low rumble, sent a shiver down her spine. Clutching the book, she held her breath.

''I said thank you,'' she repeated louder.

He nodded, a subtle smile playing on his lips as he turned to leave, leaving Mara captivated by the encounter.

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