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Thea's deliberate avoidance of Liam reflected the unspoken complexity of their relationship, intensified by the stark contrast in popularity. As the tension reached a breaking point, Liam's abrupt pull drew Thea into a confrontation filled with frustration and longing.

"I'm not enough for you. I'm falling in love with you, and I feel like I'm not enough," Thea confessed, the weight of her emotions mirrored in Liam's blank expression.

The subsequent encounter at the party unfolded against a backdrop of swirling emotions. Thea, seeking solace in the company of friends, found herself in a confrontation with Liam. The revelation of his breakup with Valerie left Thea speechless, grappling with the unforeseen consequences of his admission.

"Your girlfriend wouldn't like this," she reminded him, only to be met with Liam's revelation about confessing his love for his best friend. Thea's silence mirrored the complexity of emotions coursing through her.

"Talk to me," Liam urged, his proximity adding another layer of tension. Before Thea could finish her sentence, his lips met hers, sealing a moment fraught with unresolved feelings and the tangled web of their connection.

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