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Irene, amidst the clandestine world of her mafia husband Knox, discovered solace in the hidden corners of their opulent mansion. In an attempt to bridge the emotional chasm, she secretly took up painting, transforming the neglected spaces into vibrant canvases that whispered tales of her silent struggles and unspoken desires. Yet, Knox, oblivious to the artistry blooming within their walls, remained engrossed in the shadows of his clandestine dealings, leaving Irene yearning for a connection that transcended the veiled existence they led.

As the clock struck 1 a.m. with Knox still absent, Irene resigned herself to sleep and left a thoughtful meal on the kitchen counter. Restless in bed, Irene was jolted awake as the door to their room creaked open.

It was Knox.

Irene didn't want to get up because she knew that he would just ignore her. So, she pretended to be asleep. Then, she heard the door closed again. Irene woke up and slowly opened the door and she saw that the lights in the kitchen was on. So, Knox ate the food she left for him.

After a quarter-hour's absence, Knox quietly reentered the bedroom. Unaware of Irene's feigned slumber, he approached her side of the bed, tenderly stroking her hair and gently caressing her cheeks. In the hushed stillness, an unexpected tenderness unfolded between them.

Whispering his gratitude, Knox planted a gentle kiss on Irene's forehead, her heart quickening in surprise. Determined to maintain her pretense, Irene kept still, but her senses heightened as Knox tucked himself beside her under the blanket. His arms enveloped her waist, drawing her close to his chest, where the rhythmic beat of his heart gradually lulled her into a sense of warmth and security. In that moment, Irene found solace and a comforting feeling of home.

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