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At 24, Kathleen Maude Irwin reluctantly entered matrimony with the 40-year-old Valentin Carson Wolfe, casting aside her cherished teaching career in an Australian kindergarten. Despite her initial reluctance, compelled by parental pressure, she now resides in Italy as a dedicated housewife to Valentin, a distinguished global business tycoon seeking a motherly figure for his 3-year-old son, Kai.

Valentin's past heartbreak with Irina Petrov, Kai's mother, left him cautious in his interactions with Kathleen. Married for two years, Kathleen formed a strong bond with Kai, who became deeply attached to her, seeking her attention and companionship.

While Kathleen and Valentin grew close, she discerned her growing affection for him despite his occasional aloofness. Valentin, wary of vulnerability, maintained a formal demeanor, withholding the warmth Kathleen longed for. Fearful of repeating past heartbreaks, he guarded himself against fully embracing the love he felt for Kathleen, despite recognizing her unwavering commitment.

Months ago, Kathleen, feeling idle when Kai attended kindergarten, began crafting short stories online. To her surprise, a publishing company reached out, impressed by her work, and swiftly offered her an online job after a successful interview.

Overjoyed, Kathleen, unable to contain her excitement, called Valentin, urging him to return home early for a special announcement. Valentin, supportive and intrigued, agreed to pick up Kai from his grandparents' house before heading home.

Anticipating a family celebration, Kathleen, missing Kai's presence, decided to personally cook dinner, preparing Valentin's cherished beef lasagna with garlic bread and her favorite dessert, tiramisu. The staff was dismissed, and the kitchen became her canvas.

With the meal prepared, Kathleen adorned herself in her favorite strapless lilac dress, adding a touch of elegance to the evening's festivities.

With the meal prepared, Kathleen adorned herself in her favorite strapless lilac dress, adding a touch of elegance to the evening's festivities

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Descending to the living room, Kathleen settled on the couch, passing the time with a random TV show while awaiting her family. Unintentionally, she drifted into a deep slumber, awakening hours later to the clock indicating 11 pm.

Startled, Kathleen found Valentin entering with a peacefully sleeping Kai in his arms. Rubbing her eyes, she inquired, ''Where were you?'' The response that followed left Kathleen heartbroken and rendered her momentarily speechless.

''I had dinner at my parents with Kai, Irina, and her parents. She wanted to meet all of us.''

''Oh,'' Kathleen replied sadly, her disappointment palpable. She walked past Valentin towards the kitchen, while he proceeded to put Kai to sleep.

It seems that Valentin forgot about his little wife request.

In the kitchen, Kathleen kept all the food she prepared in the fridge. Though, she was hungry, she doesn't feel like eating anymore. She just eat few dry fruits and drank a glass of chill water before going to bed.

In the bedroom, Valentin had already showered and changed into his pajama. He was on the bed, doing some work on his laptop. But he was not able to fully concentrate. Why? As the look on his little wife sad face when he told her where he was; was on his mind. He had the feeling that he forgot something but couldn't put a finger on what it is.

Kathleen entered the room with a sad expression on her face. She didn't glance at Valentin and went to look for her pajama. Then, she made her way to the bathroom. As she was about to enter and close the door, Valentin asked her, ''Where did you go, all dressed up like this?''

''Nowhere,'' Kathleen replied, her voice tinged with disappointment, and swiftly closed the bathroom door behind her.

Inside the shower, a cascade of water masked Kathleen's fleeting sadness. ''He really forgot about me,'' she thought, the droplets offering a silent backdrop to her unspoken disappointment.

Under the hot running water, Kathleen stood naked in the shower, tears mingling with the cascading droplets. Her thoughts echoed in the solitude, questioning Valentin's forgetfulness.

''How could he forget about me? Is he still in love with her? Yes, he is. He always puts her first. It's been 2 years for god's sake. Why can't he give me a chance?''

Despite the rushing water, Valentin discerned the faint sobs of his distraught wife. An overwhelming sense of guilt and sadness engulfed him, as he grappled with the uncertainty of what had caused Kathleen's heartache.

Fifteen minutes later, Kathleen was out of the bathroom. She sat on the bed and turned her back to her husband and slept covering her with the big blanket. It was the first time in 2 years that she turned her back to him.

Valentin knew that something was not right. He immediately turned off his laptop. He put it away on the nightstand.

Valentin pulled her to him and said, ''What happened Kath?''

Kathleen sniffed and said, ''Nothing.''

''Why are you crying then?''

Kathleen didn't know what to tell him. She wiped her tears and removed Valentin's hands from her waist. She got up from the bed and went on the balcony.

As Kathleen sobbed, gazing at the moon, Valentin approached and stood behind her. He tenderly kissed the top of her head, enveloping her small waist in his arms. ''Tell me, love... What happened?'' he implored.

With a sigh, Kathleen uttered softly, ''You completely forgot about our dinner. I guess Irina is more important than me.''

Valentin turned her around and expressed remorse, ''Love, I'm so sorry. I wanted to come home early, but Irina wanted to talk about Kai's custody. I needed to know what she would say.''

Kathleen, looking up at him, listened as he continued, ''She wants full custody of him. If I don't agree, she demands $1.5 million from us.'' Shocked, she absorbed the revelation.

Understanding her unspoken thoughts, Valentin added, ''I gave her the money and made her sign a contract relinquishing any claim to Kai's custody. Dealing with her was difficult; she was so demanding.''

Valentin gazed at his wife lovingly and shared, ''I have something serious to tell you.''

Anxiously, Kathleen looked at him and nodded.

''I love you, Mrs. Wolfe.''

''I love you too, Mr. Wolfe.''

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