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Wednesday Addams does in fact have a good feeling about today.

She effortlessly thought of something yesterday, leading to her near flawlessly flowing day.

Yesterday day was fairly simple too, to be fair. Oddly enough that new guy didn't bother her. No matter how much she was expecting him to.

Maybe that just means her plans at getting rid of him are working horrifically well.

So she finds her seat with contentment, ready as she'll ever be, which means something because Wednesday Addams is always prepared.

Second day of work, and Tyler Galpin arrives three minutes late, shuffling in like he doesn't have a single care about anything going on in the world except for whatever is currently occurring on his phone.

Wednesday is not surprised. Not even a little bit. Tyler holds his hand to the phone, mumbling something about talking to them later, and scrambling to hang up and tuck his phone in his pocket.

Wednesday only assumes it won't be too long before three minutes turns into twenty.

That is, if she doesn't get rid of him by then.

The man places his keys in the pocket of his jacket too, shrugging it off and hanging it on his chair. So not only will this man be easy to stave away, but he makes it all to easy to steal his belongings as he quickly pats his seat like he's double checking something, then he sets off, leaving everything unattended.

Wednesday doesn't have the slightest interest in taking any of his things though, there's not much she will ever want with such valueless items.

She presses her lips into a thin line, replacing her line of focus back to her work only to pause at how dry her lips felt. Chapped fairly well, she realizes just how dry her throat is and sets off for the break room.

Wednesday returns from retrieving herself some water, hydration is far too boring to be a way to go so she makes sure to keep herself refreshed from ever falling due to such mundane things. She sits down, eyes drifting over to Tyler, whose just returned as well with searching eyes that are trying to seek out something. She blinks, takes a slow slip, and pauses when she eyes him and he's already looking at her.

Then his focus drops down to her desk as he realizes she's acknowledged him, gesturing towards her with a dumb polite hand that Wednesday wants nothing more than to swat away.

"Hey, can I borrow that stapler?" He asks her, voice annoyingly lilting upwards at the end.

She sets her cup of water down, never blinking. But she does gaze away at the ground, considering the two sides of her that want to handle his request. One has the desire to just ignore him, no answer, nothing, and see if he takes the hint. The other, however, wins as she grabs it and holds it out, mentally smiling with satisfaction as she predicts how this will play out.

"Here," She says plainly, pulling it back ever so slightly from Tyler when he reaches for it, earning a confused glance that he instantly gives her. "You should be grateful," She tells him.

He nods. "I mean, I am. I don't own one so."

Keeping his attention, eyes locked, Wednesday carries on with the stapler still in her hold. "Being handed the very same tool I use for intimidation methods is quite an experience, no matter how light the method may be."

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