Cardboard Box

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Wednesday strolls into work just as she does every week day at this exact time. Eight o'clock. In the morning, of course.

Her braids rest nicely on her frame, though she may be petite her strong black outfits and dark eyes seem to unsettle anyone when she wants to, fixing up a gaze like a snake to a mouse, or a deadpan and indifference expression that doesn't sit right with them.

Of course, her co-workers are used to her by now. Well, most of them anyway. Some still eye her desk with a pinch of concern, examining her personality through her choices of style and set-up. She'll never say it's unfair to judge somebody only on their decorated work space, she finds herself doing it just the same.

Though, upon entering her blocked off portion of desks, she finds something very wrong.

Her boss is a lovely lady with a very sympathetic heart. So when Wednesday requested some space to work, stating it's when her performance peaks, her boss understood. In fact she was as flexible as she possibly could be for each of her employees. Wednesday has always wondered when she'll run out of this juice of kindness and stop bending backwards for others.

Now just might be that moment, seeing as the desk right next to hers- the only one near her (besides Eugene who sits behind her in this small cubed area, back facing her)- is currently being occupied with a cardboard box with some personal belongings, a stack of stapled paper next to it.

For the first time in a long time, Wednesday hopes she is wrong about her guess.

Quickly, she whips around to Eugene, and spins his chair to face her. He makes a startled noise, placing a hand on his chest and looking up at her through his glasses.

"Oh, Wednesday," He says out of relieve. "Have you finally decided to test out that new video game with me?"

"What? No," Wednesday replies, standing back and gesturing over to the box on the third desk, crossing her arms afterwards with a serious look. "I'm just exceptionally curious about what that seems to be doing on that desk. Do you know anything, Eugene? If so it's imperative I know. Any information will suffice."

Eugene's gaze slides back to the desk and he sighs, never bothered by even the pinch of Wednesday's sudden intensity at times when others would be. "Yeah, that? There's supposed to be some new guy, he's talking with our boss right now."

Once more Wednesday is correct. This time it's bad news for her.

She tilts her head up, wondering if she can create another plan to make this new guy far too creeped out to work within ten feet of her. The last guy left for a different branch. So she sees this as a pretty easy task and honestly, she does find amusement and humor in making people avoid her due to her 'odd ways' to put it simply, something somebody once tried to say about her at an attempt at euphemism.

"Spendid," She says evenly, turning away and eyeing the box. "We'll see how long he lasts."

Back to judging people on the contents on their desk, Wednesday is never more certain that this will be easy. Seems like she's got an average man with the most vanilla life, living comfortably in the non-risk-taker side of things.

She spots a leathered book creeping at her from under all his other items, surprisingly gaining a grain of her attention. She squints her eyes, placing a hand on the desk and leaning a little bit. She doesn't know why, it's probably some book he read in high school and keeps to look a bit smart.

"You know," A voice starts, making Wednesday instantly snap her head towards it's direction, finding a man with chestnut brown hair, dressed in a plaid button up that peeks out from his brown jacket. She refuses to step back and act like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar as he approaches her. "I'm not exactly selling any of this. But if you name a price good enough," He teases with a smile that makes Wednesday want to taze someone, tilting his head and tapping the- his desk. "You might find yourself with a pretty good purchase."

Wednesday eyes him, not exactly fond of his jokes or the height advantage he has. Now yes she doesn't think she ever needs to be taller, but for some reason this man has already managed to push a button most wouldn't dare to and he doesn't even know it. So to say, she wishes she could glare down at him mercilessly, but she can't.

His green eyes flicker up and down her face. She doesn't like it, but remains stiff and her gaze focused. Then he's smiling again, an absolute burden to this world, as he steps closer, holding up what Wednesday easily recognizes as his name plate in between them.

"I'm Tyler," He says and it's stupid because she can read, obviously, and she doesn't even need to know somebody's name to scare them off.

She moves to go to her seat, aiming on not talking the first day, just observing.

"Nice to meet you too, Wednesday."

Instinctively, her eyes dart back at him and it's so unsubtle and sharp she dislikes him even more for making her look even close to being taken off guard. She doesn't have anything with her name though. Only some initials here and there.

Her eyes flash disprovingly at the way he puts together her body movements and expressions, chuckling lightly.

"Boss wanted me to know who I was sitting by," Tyler explains and Wednesday presses the backspace on her mental planning document. She doesn't fail, of course, she just erases the step completely as she fully faces him.

"So she gave you names, not just a location?"

"I meant know who they are, detective," He quips, seamlessy earning a light scowl from Wednesday on day one.

She just knows this man will be insufferable to work with. So she doesn't bother herself with a headache and finds her seat, sparing him one last glance full of resentment before switching to her work.

Of course, not without simultaneously thinking about what she'll do to remove him from that desk.

She doesn't agree with any statement that follows the line of 'gradually build up' when it comes to things like these. She much prefers to start strong, end strong.

And lucky little her, she knows just what to do tomorrow.

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