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Wednesday Addams has coffee today, black coffee that is. What can she say? She needed something strong and bitter to help pull her through the creeping hours of the morning as she drags herself over to her desk.

The sun gently spills into her work space through the window, blinds open thanks to Eugene's deep admiration for the outdoors.

But it's just a little too bright, her extreme lack of sleep last night being the cause for the extra dark look she's got, face tugged down into a grimace as she moves over to shut the blinds.

Of course Wednesday doesn't get that, though, because Tyler Galpin defines nature by holding a hand in front of the window as he slides over. "Woah, Wednesday, I just opened these."

This isn't really supposed to be happening because Wednesday knew he was going to arrive late today, just like he has been. But that clearly isn't correct, making Wednesday stave away a frown that she hides quickly, eyes shooting over at him like he's just assaulted her.

"You're early." She observes, but the stupid lilt in her voice isn't caught fast enough to be filtered out, leaving it to sound like a question that Tyler nods at, placing a hand on the wall.

"Yup." It's infuriatingly annoying the way he pops the p, his sly smile making something claw at the walls of Wednesday's chest. It's strange and most likely the urge to push him further away from her. But she has felt that before and this is somewhat of a different desire that itches at her fingertips as Tyler steps closer, her name in his voice echoing once or twice.

Wednesday realizes she probably has never hated a man the way she hates Tyler, leading to the near sleepless night she had and the breath she takes, embarrassed of the sound but at least she knows it was out of anger and nothing else.

"Do you mind moving out of my way?" She questions Tyler, forcing a sharp edge onto her tongue as she remembers her plan to dim the lighting as much as possible. It is extremely unfair that he would even think of preventing her from doing so. After all, no matter how much Wednesday doesn't want to talk about it, Tyler is the reason she feels a bit closer to death than usual. She almost wonders how much her looks represent a zombie right now, with her tired eyes and slightly sluggish behavior.

Wednesday doesn't think about it for long, however, because then he's glancing back carelessly at the window, eyes narrowing in on Wednesday with a ridiculously unbearable smile. "So you can block out the sun?" He squints at her, points at her too, probably thinking he's the funniest guy he knows. "Don't tell me my co-worker's a vampire."

Wednesday doesn't even blink. It's not funny in any way and the least he can do for unknowingly keeping her up simply by existing is let her close the blinds.

"What if I was?" She quizzes him, tilting her chin up a little bit to glare into his dry, mundane green eyes she cannot bother to ever think about. Of course, she is not a vampire, but Tyler might deserve to lose some blood if he continues down the path of getting in her way.

Tyler just laughs a little. "Well then you wouldn't be real," He says matter-of-factly, even with a finger pointed up in the air that then turns towards Wednesday. "Vampires are fictional."

Wednesday hums, it's completely true. They aren't real. But the desire to get rid of Tyler is very much a real thing, so much so she bets she is going to have a headache some time soon if he doesn't just turn around and leave. "Then don't call me one."

"It was a joke." Tyler defends before crossing his arms as Wednesday remains unamused.

"I don't do jokes."

"What? Lies." Tyler waves her off, bringing his hands back to his side with a smile. "Look, okay, I've got a couple."

Wednesday frowns, finding herself exactly where she never wished to be, stepping to the side. "No, I'd rather-"

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