chapter - 2 YOU

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I squint my eyes and look towards the curtainless big window and see the bustling city of Busan right infront of me.

As much as it excites me to start a new life , it always takes my mind back to Gwacheon and ofcourse, jin. His silhouette appears for a split second and i flinch , after finally getting back to my senses .

I sit in my empty study table and look at all the letters i wrote and run my hands through all the written letters, with just one feeling in my mind, *hoping i could tell him all this* .

It's actually one of those days where , I'm empty minded , and got nothing to do but to overthink everything, the course of events happened in the past few weeks.

It was only a few weeks ago, i was a high school student. Only a few weeks ago i was in Gwacheon, only i few weeks ago , i was with my best friend and only a few weeks ago , i last saw jin.

"Honey" *soft knocks* i look to see my dad standing there at the door looking at me. I close the diary and push it back inside the drawer and move towards him.

"Goodmorning appa" i greet him , sweetly hugging him.

"How have you been doing these past days ?" "It must've been a hustle for you, both physically and emotionally" he adds.

"Well, it's for my good afterall, it's not bothering me anymore, appa, I'm fine" i say looking down.

"Are you?" "Really?" He says.

"Yes appa" i say still looking down.

"Well, if you ever think of talking it all out , come to me" he says embracing me into a warm comforting hug.

"Ofcourse" i say letting out a small tear in his hug.

I quickly wipe the tear and look up at my dad who's smiling at me .

"Well, i think it's time you enroll for a university" he says.

"What are you thinking ?" He adds .

"I think, maybe, a degree in film and production?" I say.

"Since when did you started having interest in all this?" He asks confused.

"Maybe, something new i want to try " i say shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, think well before you enroll" he says before kissing my forehead. "No hurry for all that" he adds.

"Ofcourse, we can figure it out, later" i say looking up at him.

"For now, rest well princess, see you in the evening " he says before leaving for work.

I sat down and enrolled for a few universities in and out of Korea and finally close my laptop.

I get my diary out from the drawer and start doing my favourite thing.... Writing secret letter to seokjin.





it's been a long time. Since I haven't wrote to you. Well what can I do? I haven't been myself these past few days. It has been, a turmoil of emotions for me to process.

I wonder if you waited for me to write to you too. But now I'm here , finally writing to you, telling you how I'm feeling and how I've felt these past few days.

Seokjinnie, not gonna lie, i miss you terribly! I miss admiring you, i miss everything, i miss you, i miss the old town, i miss aien-soo, i miss everything ... Old.

I wonder how you're doing these days. If you're still in Gwacheon or have already left for University or something.

I still hope i could actually pass these to you,, rather than pretending to write these to you.



in the midst of all the chaos , Daisy, was somehow losing herself and was finding it hard to cope up with the newly occured change in her life, where , on the other side, Seokjin had already moved to Seoul .

He decided to do something less ordinary. He decided to audition for a few acting agencies. Trying his luck out everywhere, he finally came across an agency, which happened to be a music related company.

It was even harder for him to cope with this sudden change . Afterall, he too was a normal teenager.

Let's see where this change of fate leads both Daisy and seokjin to.


"You're Everywhere,
Even when i open my eyes or close them,
You're everywhere,
It's the silhouette of you,
That wanders around me,
It seems like you never left,
From where you always were,
Even when you left , physically,
You always stayed , breathing in this heart of mine,
Which, always only belonged to you,
Even when , you neither kept it nor declined to keep it."


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