chapter -11 NEW

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*You can do it, you got this* my subconscious cheers.

"Alright guys! On to your positions!" The director shouted through the microphone.

"We've got this!" Namjoon cheers us and i feel motivated.


Once the director called it a day for us, i quickly sat down to catch my breath.

It obviously has been a tiring day ,not just because of the music video thing or the debut but the pressure to deliver better made it even more stressful and i somewhat felt both nervous and excited , i don't know how i managed to feel two conflicting emotions at once.

"We all did our best, I'm so happy" namjoon says

"It's only a few weeks away until our wait will finally be over" he adds.

"It sends jitters down my spine as i think about how close we are to our debut" jungkook says excitedly.

"Well i think we should grab lunch out today" taehyung says rubbing his stomach

"It's been so long since we ate out" he pouts.

"Ofcourse" namjoon smiles .


"Finally!" I sigh as i drop on the bed.

I look up at the ceiling fathoming everything, every course of event that happened with me in the past few weeks or the past year, It has been chaotic but also a different kind of new to me. I experienced everything i never ever thought i would. It amazes me how fast everything went. It was yesterday only i came to audition and now I am close to debuting, i just hope everything goes well.


After an hour

I woke up with the doorbell ringing, as i opened it , i got surprised, seeing my parents standing right infront of me. Emotions got over me as i hugged them both , oh god, it's been so long since i last saw them and finally here they are.

"How's my seokjin-ah doing?" My eomma says kissing my forehead.

"Good as of now , eomma" i replied her with a smile.

"Well I'm here too, big man" my appa says streching his arms out to hug me and i give him the tightest hug . How much i missed this feeling.

"Come inside" i say as i wipe my tears.


As we catch up and my parents also chat with the boys, silence quickly fills the room.

"Well son, we came here to talk about something" appa says breaking the silence and i don't know why for some reason the statement scared me a bit.

"Say" i say nodding my head .

"Well, as parents we were concerned about you and we often think about this" appa never hesitates to talk about anything but this time i got confused as i see pure hesitation in his words.

"What is it appa?" I said placing my hand on his shoulder "are you hesitating?" I added .

"Kind of, as this is something you are enjoying doing and we thought that you might not take it the way we want you to and you might misunderstand us but son, this is just our concern and nothing else, we want the best for all of you" he says while fiddling his fingers.

"Appa, say it directly, trust me i won't misunderstand you guys" i assured him.

"Coming straight to the point, you know how you were brought up right?" Eomma says .

"Wae? Where is all this coming from?" I asked .

"See baby, all i want to say is rather than struggling like this , we can figure some other way out for you guys ,to be very honest, it breaks my heart to see you all like this , struggling for everything"

"I know where you're going , eomma and i very well understand your concern , but please,i hope you understand my feelings as well" i say before pausing for a bit.

"Rather than finding this easy way out , i would rather choose to struggle and I'd be okay if in the end this struggle doesn't work out, I'm still young , i can figure other things out as well and eomma , appa, trust me, this struggle is actually giving me the happiness  i would have ever experienced. I always think that this struggle will lead us somewhere for sure , whereas, the easy way we're talking about here will surely give us success but for a short term and none of us would want that and all of us would actually like to achieve the success on our own, through this struggle, trust me it will forever feel satisfying to me, thinking that i achieved something on my own and it was not served to me on a platter"

"Well, if you want this then go for it son, we're in no way pressurising you" appa says patting my back with a proud smile.

"Honey, i think we should leave" eomma says .

As they get up , i hug them once again and bid my goodbyes to them.

One thing that made me more satisfied was how my parents understood me and my decision, like the always did and never imposed themselves on me.  I know, this is a tough road to be on and not everybody succeeds, but i always believe that working hard and putting your heart and soul into what you're doing always leads to success *i got a little philosophical there, i guess that's what happens when you think things a bit more deeply* .

*I hope we make it* my subconscious dings.

"We will" i smile and lay back down.


"For i don't know what kind of new this is,
But it for sure, is fulfilling,
For i can't figure out, how the time flew away,
For however it is flowing though,
It is bringing closer, all what i had once wished for "

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