chapter-8 Exhaustion

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"make sure you do your best, do whatever it takes to make everything perfect" his trainors words echo in his mind .

Chosing to be an idol is never the pink and purple skies as everyone assumes it to be. It comes at a cost. It comes after struggling , hustling, both physically and mentally.

Same has been going on with seokjin.

Everything is new to him, it's just a different league he has stepped into. He has no experience in all the things he's been doing lately. Singing, dancing, everything is just so new to him and he's doing his best at everything given to him. Often overexerting himself, ofcourse.

It's been quite a long time since he's been doing this, it's finally the time , they're preparing for their debut and ofcourse, everything has to be perfect and on-point.

In lieu of making everything perfect he often overworks himself. Often getting scolded from the Trainor is something that triggers him, it triggers his mind to doubt his abilities, ignoring the fact that what he's doing is actually too good for his abilities. Afterall, all the expiriences he's been having with the vigorous dancing and singing, it's new to him , as he never wanted to do that, he wanted to go to a different side of the industry and ended up being in a different one, with the twist of fate , ofcourse.

"Hyung, rest for a bit, you've been doing alot" his fellow trainee says.

"No, i know i can push myself more" he says tying up his shoes "i wanna do it this last time" he adds walking in a stumbling way.

"You've been working hard, it's been so long since you're here, you've been working restlessly and perhaps , your legs are sore" the trainee says. "Rest hyung, it's the best for you, right now" he adds.

"It's fine ji-" *loud thump* before he could complete what he was saying he falls unconscious to the ground.


"How is he?" Jimin asks the doctor.

"He's completely fine, it's just that there's less of balance between the work he's been doing and the food he's eating, make sure he eats more and works a little less, maybe he overexerts himself" the doctor says

"Take care of him" "if he makes a balance between these two things, he's totally fine" he adds and walks away.



the last thing i remember is blacking out all of a sudden, and oh! My back feels hurt.

"What happened?" I ask to the nurse who's hooking me up to a number of machines .

"You were unconscious and were brought here by your mates" she replies.

"Where are they?" I ask .

"Outside" she says "should I call them?" She asks and i nod.

After that she leaves writing something on a notepad.

Few minutes later

She comes back with the doctor and jimin, ofcourse.

"Yah! What happened to me?" I ask him frowining.

"Yah! You fainted" he says mocking me.

"Hyung, you're honestly overworking yourself alot these days" he says "i know debut is a big deal for all of us and we do need to give our best and i know, we're under a great pressure, but that doesn't mean hurting or starving yourself, does it?" He asks.

"Ofcourse not" i reply .

"Then why are you not eating properly? Also overworking yourself so much, till you faint?" He asks.

"I don't know.... Maybe i feel I'm not as good as you all are" i say looking down.

"And what makes you doubt yourself that way?" He asks.

"I'm not good at dancing or singing either! And ever since the Trainor warned me , i... Kind of felt low and a bit pressured too, as we're nearing the debut and still I'm not as good" i say.

"See hyung, everybody is different, has different abilities, look at me, I'm not perfect either and afterall we all just ended up here, we're still learning, none of us are perfect, we're all on the same page one way or the other" he says

"None of us are either too good nor too bad, we're all equal to be honest " "and about the Trainor, it's his job to correct us just because of that, don't be harsh on yourself" he adds.

"I guess you're right" i say.

"See" he says .

"You'll be discharged tomorrow and eat well" the doctor interrupts us.

"I'll take care of that" jimin says smiling.


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