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"Well, well well, what do we have here?" Nick smirked.

"Leave her alone." Demi warned through gritted teeth.

The two boys that I had apparently 'shut down', stood there watching cautiously and silently. I suppose I had snapped at them and they didn't want to cross my path again by saying something out of context.

"Do you have to fight all your girlfriends battles?" Nick questioned.

I stepped in and ran my hand through my hair. "She is not my fucking girlfriend."

"She wishes she was. Isn't that right, Demi?"

"Back the fuck off, fuckboy." Demi cursed.

"Or what, sunshine?" He interrogated her.

"I'll make your fucking pathetic life a living hell. You know I'm capable of doing it. Don't fuck with me, kid."

I stood there watching everything unfold right in front if my eyes.

"All your capable of is destroying yourself and every single person around you. You are a time bomb waiting to explode." He pushed.

"I will chop your pin dick off and shove it down your throat in a second." She retorted.

"What the fuck is going on!?" I screamed.

Nick laughed. "Oh god, she hasn't told you yet?"

"Told me what?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't." Demi interrupted.

"Shut up, Demi." I sighed. "Tell me."

Demi sent Nick a warning glare.

"Let's just say this. Demi has a tendency to be self destructive. And destructive to anyone who she gets involved with. She will fuck you, fuck you up and then fuck you over." Nick said, glaring at Demi the whole time.

"Should I tell her what you fucking did you filthy prick!?" Demi shouted.

"No." He was quick to answer. "She doesn't need to-"

I interrupted him. "Yes, you should."

"Nick here." Demi began and pointed towards him. "Thinks its okay to get girls completely wasted and-"

He interrupted her. "Don't you fucking dare."

"Watch m-" Demi began before I interrupted.

"Let's go." I demanded.

All of these interruptions were getting way too annoying and I wasn't standing around listening to a conversation that I didn't think I even wanted to hear.

"But this was just getting interesting." The uneducated twat spoke.

"Yo, what's your name?" I walked over to him.

"T-t-tate." He stuttered.

"Listen her, t-t-tate." I mocked him, earning a chuckle from his 'friend' and Demi. "Keep your fucking nose out of other peoples business."

"And if I don't?" He replied.

The nerve of this boy.

"I can promise you." I started and grabbed his crutch, squeezing it as tight as I could. "You will NEVER have the fucking chance to use this again. Got it?" I smiled sweetly at him.

"G-got it."

"I'm glad." I nodded and turned back towards Demi.

"We're leaving." I grabbed her arm.

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