Chapter One - Team Fighting!

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A/N: Welcome, WinTeamers and Bounpremers. I am excited to share this story idea with you all that I have put so much thought and preparation onto. Between Us will always be one of my favorite series. For context, I will be using occasional references and characters from the show and the Hemprope novel. Ultimately this is an AU, so I took a lot of creative liberty and even created some original characters to enhance the plot. Please enjoy, and thank you for reading!

~Mimi xoxo

Songs used in this chapter:
Drunk - Keshi
Love Love Love - Cover by Prem Warut (Original by Triumphs Kingdom


Motorcycles became Win's specialty early on in life. After watching his uncle weave carelessly through the sandy Bangkok coastline on his own, it was love at first sight. He enjoyed examining the curves of the seats and wheels, the variety of brands and models, the countless colors they came in.

At the time, teen boys his age hid porn magazines, but Win kept motorcycle magazines. All throughout his large family home, from coffee tables to kitchen counters, the material lay scattered. Within the pages of dazzling vehicle commentary, he found his fascination for tattoos. As the ever-so ordinary middle child, he developed the desire to be seen.

After long hours of singing and using his natural charm to gather tips, Win finally purchased a shiny, blue motorcycle with red stripe accents on the front. Blue and red are far more eye-catching hues than black. Even all of these years later, he longs to be as loud as possible.

Shortly after the purchase came bleached hair, then an assortment of ear piercings, and finally, the rich, black ink etched into his golden skin. The large wings on his back was the very first tattoo; all or nothing. By junior year, the old Win was dead and rebirthed as one of the Coolest Guys of year-eleven.

Girls wanted him. Guys wanted him. He learned rather quickly that he welcomed both without hesitation. Attending a wealthy private school in Bangkok full of gorgeous, fit, and stylish aspiring actors, musicians, and influencers... It wasn't difficult for the boy to experiment, to figure out what he likes.

Win is bisexual.

Win never wanted to be one of the spoiled kids despite his family wealth. He could've asked for anything and been granted his wishes, being as charming and unmistakably hot as he was, but he chose not to. He earned his bike through working, his scholarship through studying hard. Every step added to a larger sense of independence. The only con...

Is the Middle Child Moderator title. Cursed to belong to everyone but himself no matter how ostentatious he tries to be.


Speaking of.

Smoke burns deeply within Win's lungs as he leans against the cool, metal-sided wall of the bike shop, nursing a cigarette between his long fingers. The elder is startled from his deep thoughts the moment his younger brother jogs out of the bike shop, bright face painted with dirt and motor grime. He's learning repairs well, but he gets disgusting too fucking quickly. Win makes a face, stamping out the cigarette.

"Wiew, what the hell did you guys do?"

Wiew narrows his eyes in a disapproving, scolding manner, ignoring his elder brother's question. "Oi, Hiaaa. You better stop that. It's bad for you. How are you going to play sports if you can't breathe?"

A small smirk graces Win's lips, head shaking in response. "Changing the subject again, scolding me? Don't worry about me. While you and Hia Waan play in the dirt, I'm busy being an adult. Maeng, such children." He lightly shoves the younger brother's shoulder and jabs his grimy cheek. "Go clean up, Nong. You don't want Dad to see you like that."

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