Chapter Six, Part Two: You Say You Love Me, but Not the Way I Need

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A/N: SHEEEESH, you guys, I'm so sorry about the late update! Work, modeling, social events, and of course my FUCKIN' BRAIN *sob*  made it a bit difficult to write, but I'm back, baby! I love and appreciate you all for your patience and your continued support of this story. I've had this AU on my mind for SO long and bringing it to life is so cathartic for me. I promise you, things are going to start picking up dramatically the next chapter, so be on the lookout! Please save so you can get notifications for updates on the story. I also have a side project called "Set Me Free: An AgustD X SUGA Story" and Part 1 of 3 is out now! Take a look if you're interested, and please enjoy this new chapter!

~Mimi xoxo

Songs used this chapter:
Bruise My Face - MICO
She Wants Me to be Loved - The Happy Fits (chapter title reference)

TW!!!: anxiety, self-deprecation, self-harming stims, internalized homophobia


Team slips backstage, deep inhales and exhales filling his lungs, washing away the nervous adrenaline, purifying it into a brand new kind of energy.  His fingers absentmindedly tune the precious guitar in his hands, the action second nature after all these years.

Straight teeth bruise his rosy lower lip, nipping and biting nervously with each passing second, threatening to rip at the tender skin there. The booming voice of the club owner introducing him from the stage slashes into his eardrums with such a volume that they ache.

I love you too, Team. Do well.

Kanok's bright smile and wide, glistening brown eyes appear in the back of his mind, pouring a cool, soothing peace into his bones; an antidote trickling down to the marrow, producing a calm in each fresh blood cell.

Angels do exist.

Her laughter rings in his ears as his red Vans drag him past the threshold, onto the stage where it seems like a thousand eyes stare at him, but the one pair that matters the most is hers.

"Mm, sawadee kahp. I'm Teerayu Siriyonthin, I'm turning eighteen next month, and I'm from here—Bangkok. You all can call me Team. Thanks for having me. I'll make sure to play well for you na."

The teen boy bows his head, exhaling a breath before standing tall center-stage, comfortably propping his strapped guitar. Cautiously, he reaches to adjust the microphone, inhaling to sing his first note.



There is one problem.

Where is he?

Where is Hia Win?

Dean spots Win exiting the venue the moment the blonde turns around, Dean's viridescent eyes watching for his friend from the get-go. The brunette friend of the two curses under his breath, shifting his torso to cup Pharm's dainty hands in both of his own, kissing each. "Hey, N'Pharm. Win just left. Is it okay if I go talk to him kahp?"

Pharm glances over his shoulder, and sure enough, his lanky elder is nowhere to be seen—and he's easy to spot with his tall frame.

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