Chapter Twelve, Part Two: Win or Lose, We Stay Together

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A/N: HI. Omg hi. You guys I was so excited writing this chapter and I'm even more excited posting it. I cannot wait for you all to read it. This is where the story is truly picking up. THIS is the sauce, THIS is our turning point. Make no mistake, there is still lots of story to be had and I can't WAIIIIT!! I tried to get this out quickly after taking such a long break last time. Enjoy the read!

~Mimi xoxo

Songs Used:
Coldplay - Yellow
Jackson Wang - Blow

T/W: Swearing, relationship problems/lying, sexually explicit situations


Team runs a product-smeared hand through his rich, raven hair, murmuring a soft, random melody under his breath.

"Tie, no tie... Tie? Hm... No, no, too formal."

He smooths his black shirt, pushing his tongue into his cheek, examining himself in the mirror. Shirt tucked, sleeve cuffs down to his wrists. His rosy lips press into a hard line of disapproval.

You look like a kid. Think, Team. How would Manow and Malai style you? Not like this. P'Nini is a very fashionable person. You have to be on her level, you damn idiot!

Team puffs his cheeks with an irritated exhale, fingers fumbling to quickly untuck his shirt and slide his black slacks off of his body. The younger artist tugs on a pair of straight-leg Levi jeans in a dark grey-blue, rolls the shirtsleeves up to his elbows, cuffing them there and unbuttoning the chest.

"Shia, you look like you switched clothes with Hia Win...", he murmurs, fingers straightening the open collar, tilting his head from side to side to stretch it out, shrugging the garment into place.

Expedient fingers sift through the small collection of jewelry that he does own, choosing a simple, but charming silver chain, clasping it around his shapely neck, following with a spritz of YSL cologne. The costly bottle was gifted to him by Malai for his birthday only a few days prior. It's a classic, flirty, masculine scent and was the perfect choice.

Hia Win will likely jump Team's bones when he smells it.

"Shoes, shoes, shoes..."

Team's tongue pokes out of his lips, tasting the rosy Innisfree balm on his lips, flushing and moisturizing them into the supreme kissable pout.

His eyes land on a pristine pair of white Air Jordans—also a gift—and the decision is made.

"It's so easy to look good when you have rich friends, hey, Team? Fake it 'till you make it na.", he murmurs under his breath, examining his reflection one last time.

"Okay. You're hot. Okayokayokay. You've got this na kahp."

The freshman pulls open the group chat of his friends and Hia, leaving a message for them.

\(^_^)/: Sawadee kahp everyone! I won't be home tonight at my dorm if anyone is thinking of stopping by. I'll be back later!

Winnie The Pool: Sawadee kahp, Team. Where are you going tonight?

Mom: Ay'Team! Are you getting into trouble na?

Dad: He's going out on a drug deal. >:)

\(^_^)/: Maeng, you guys are crazy! I'm just getting food with one of my friends. Relax na!

Winnie the Pool is typing....

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