Chapter Five - Jealousy is a Wicked Game to Play

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A/N: Helloooo everyone! It's good to be back. I know I haven't updated a chapter in a longer period of time than it usually takes me, but I was working on a very special oneshot in light of Jimin's success this week! (Please check it out—it's called "Put it On Ice: A JiKook Story". Make sure you read the A/N at the beginning!) Anyway, this chapter is going to be a bit different than the others. The entire episode takes place in one setting with very little characters. TRIGGER WARNING!! There is some high-intensity stuff  regarding yelling/angry swearing/mild violence as well as mentions of SA in this chapter. Please be aware!

~Mimi xoxo


The sun beats down on Win's face, smoke filling his lungs. He leans against his Porsche casually as if it's a used station wagon and not a luxury vehicle worth millions of baht. Ideally, he would've liked to take his bike, but the poor thing is stuck at the shop for a few minor repairs. Even though the blonde owns multiple luxury cars, nothing compares to his Baby Blue.

His sleepy, scowling eyes scan the parking lot, narrowing at the sight of a certain frustrating kid with that damn guitar stuck to his back like glue.

Why is he so fucking charming?

And what the hell is he smiling about? Usually, he's whiny and irritable about class or food or some other inner-turmoil fueled by mundane teenage woes. On this morning, however, there's a different glow about him.

It's suspicious.

It's probably N'Kanok. It's as if they fuck every night and she just lives in N'Team's dorm. Win won't be the asshole to report it, but maeng, it's getting on his nerves.

"Sawadee-kahp, P'Win."

Win flicks the ashes of his cancer stick, expressive brows scowling at the kid, looking him up and down.

"Sawadee-kahp. What's got you all excited na?"

Team pushes his tongue into his cheek as if he's tasted something sour, pup-like eyes scanning the face, the fingers, the cigarette. He didn't know P'Win was a smoker.

"That doesn't matter. Why the hell are you smoking na? Are you an idiot, P'?"

Confusion racks the kid's brain as he stares at the aloof elder male, frustration, perhaps even anger, rising inside of him. He sets his jaw, teeth gritting as P'Win simply rolls his eyes, taking another drag out of spite.

Truthfully, Team has had enough of this. Who does this dickhead think he is anyway, ignoring and disregarding everything Team has to say just because he's older? The younger won't stand for it—not when a person he cares for (in a perplexing type of way) is harming themselves.

"Damn you na!"

Nong snatches the cigarette from P'Win's hand, much to the senior's surprise. He squishes the burning mass beneath his red sneaker, ignoring the genuine shock horror on the blonde's face.

"Damn you, P'Win! Maeng! What are you doing na? Do you think it's cool to smoke? As an athlete!?" His twisted expression nearly aches the muscles in his round face with its harshness. "Lecturing me about 'not going to class' and 'losing my scholarship', yet here you are, a better athlete than me, putting poison in your lungs! You dumbass na!"

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