Chapter Eight: There's Rage, and There's Sleep

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A/N: Hi, guys! Quick update yaaay! I already knew exactly what would happen here, because I got the idea of this chapter as soon as I decided on the plot, before I even began publishing. I knew it would have to take a little while to get to this point, but I'm honestly so relieved I finally put it out there! I know many of you have been waiting for some pickup, and I appreciate your patience. Now is your time! Thank you for reading. Please favorite and save! I'm thankful for you that engage in my postings.

~Mimi xox

Mention of smoking, mention of relationship toxicity, crime, suggestions of s*xu*l a**ault/r*pe/ab*se of minors, mention of depression, possible s*ic*dal ideation
(I apologize for all the warnings. Few chapters in this story will actually be like this one!)

Songs Used:
Stranger - Jeff Satur
Car Radio (Title Reference) - Twenty One Pilots


The annoying, dumb, stubborn, gifted, beautiful, courageous, kind Team Siriyonthin has been avoiding Win ever since the fumbled club showcase, and it truly feels like nothing matters anymore. He doesn't even attempt to approach the freshman; however, he's so close to saying "fuck it". There's been no closure, the status of where they stand completely up in the air.

That's almost worse than being told to fuck off altogether.

Due to the debilitating pressure, Win avoids most everyone these days—even Dean. His social isolation has increased ten fold now that the younger boy is gone. He shows up to class, tries his best to power through his assignments, pops into athletic clubs, then reverts to running, lifting, studying, and eating alone.

Dean warned me. I lost him, and it's all on me.

Win rarely ever spoke at length to anyone aside from Dean, his brothers, and occasionally Tul and P'Pruek before he met Team. Because of him, Win came to know how understanding and talented in the kitchen Pharm is. He came to know how happy Dean is around him.

He learned that while too brazen and flamboyant for the average person, N'Manow and N'Malai remain to be the comic relief of the group—not to mention that they bring the most encouragement.

Win realized, through spending time with Team, that he cannot hate Kanok, no matter the circumstances. She's gentle, she's kind, she's a pretty girl. She supports and loves the boy Win loves, and there's nothing about that that could anger him. Truthfully, she's a much better person than he.

That must be where his envy stems from.

Phawin faces his conflicts alone. He suffers his pain in silence, now that Dean's presence is lacking these days with his own romantic endeavors. Maybe he isolates in fear of bothering his friends. That's the catch of this entire situation—the catch of his reckless actions.

Dean isn't very happy with Win anyway—he broke the heart of his romantic partner's best friend.

Who do I have to be happy for now? Who do I have to start liking myself for now? Who do I have to turn to when I can't sleep, when I can't stop crying, when I want to crawl out of my skin?

What's the fucking point?

Win perches horizontally on his parked motorcycle, nursing a half-smoked cigarette between his long, ringed fingers, dark eyes jaded off into another realm where everything is silent.

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