Chapter Twenty-Six: The Battle to End All Wars

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A/N: HI EVERYONE!!! Miss me? I've missed you too! I haven't updated this story since... May, I think? I've finally started getting used to things and I'm able to get back in a bit of a writing groove. I know you've long awaited this chapter. I would not call this a filler, but a BRIDGE chapter. It's going to connect this part of the story to a new "chapter" of our characters' perspectives. While working on this chapter, I've also begun writing another work for the 2Min (SHINee) ship called "Here for the Heartbreak". Chapter One is up and I'm actively working on chapter two, so please keep an eye out for updates from both of these stories!

I want to thank you, my readers, for your patience and your kind and encouraging words. They keep me invested in my works!

~Mimi xoxo

Songs Used:
Sad Kids - TAEMIN
The Garden - The Happy Fits

T/W: mentions of sex/alcohol addiction and relapse, implied sexual content, mild alcohol use, brief mentions of anxiety/depression/internalized homophobia, swearing


Pharm rests his chin in his hand, gazing out the window of the train leading from the airport. He made an abrupt decision to fly to Bangkok after Dean already left. Though he was angry with his partner, his tender heart made it impossible to hold a grudge. Additionally, he's sick and tired of the ongoing feud with his best friend. He loves Teerayu like a brother—as a brother. After all their years together, he can't give into his stubbornness.

The young pastry chef's gentle voice whispers a hum to the instrumental piano music in his earphones, his doe-like eyes sliding closed. Surely, he'll reach the train station soon. The intercom will be loud enough to wake him if necessary. He pushes a hand through his hair, sighing through his sleepy haze.

"Attention, passengers. We have reached our destination. Please grab your items and make your way toward the exit door. Thank you for riding with us na."

Pharm turns his music off, pocketing his wireless earphone cartridge. He nods his head respectfully to the conductor with a smile. "Thank you, goodbye na kahp."

Pharm pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, entering the train station. He spots a small coffee counter, open and bright with lights overhead, exhaling a sigh of relief. Approaching the counter, he half-bows his head with a wai at the young woman working the counter. "Sawadee kahp. May I get a caramel macchiato?" The young woman blushes at his handsome appearance, perfect hair, and prime sense of fashion. There's something familiar about him, but she can't quite place it.

"One caramel macchiato... Is there anything else I can get you, Sir na kah?" Pharm narrows his eyes, scanning the food menu. It's only then that he notices his stomach growling after the long flight and train ride to match.

"Hm... Ah, a butter croissant, please. You don't have to warm it. Thank you, darling na." The deep rouge increases on the barista's cheeks, her teeth gnawing at the inside of her cheek to bite back flirtatious words. How can she resist gawking at him? His cheeks are round in his gigantic, pearly-white smile. He speaks sweetly, which is rare in male customers, especially with the stressors of navigating the station.

"Coming right up, na kah... The croissant is on the house, don't worry! The macchiato will be 130 baht." Pharm looks at the girl stunned, thankful, nonetheless. He tips her well, exceeding the price of the coffee.

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