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There was an audible crack in his ears, his bright blue eyes wide as he stared at the bloody sword protruding from the man's chest.

"Eli..." The man managed to mutter through the blood pooling in his mouth. "Go..." The man's dark hand reached out for him and Elijah was frozen, the cool breeze biting at his exposed skin as he watched the hazel of his mates eyes dim.

He felt it before the body crumbled to the floor, he felt it in the air as the life drained from the man he had learned to love over a short few months. Elijah gasped finally in the silence, the ringing in his ears low and growing as he stepped towards the man who was now nothing more than a corpse. Elijah shook his head, his eyes still wide and full of tears.

His hands shook as he reached out for the lifeless body. "We told you we'd find you." The words barely registered as Elijah stared at his mate, reincarnated only a thousand years after his own life had begun.

The pain of having waited this long to find him, of having had him for only a few months before he could trust him again. Elijah brought his hands to his face as tears began to free fall. He screamed into his cupped hands.

"You..." He began and shook his head, still staring, panting now as his heart gave a painful lurch. He looked back at the bloodied sword, he followed the trail of dripping blood to the hilt where strong pale hands grasped it firmly. The chest was no longer moving and as Elijah met the dim lifeless hazel eyes that had once been warm, proud and full of love, a part of him crumbled and he shook his head.

Again. It had happened again. How much more shall I suffer? He wondered to himself as he managed to finally raise his head to see the bright determined green eyes belonging to the murderer. Elijah stared numbly at the man who'd managed to take the innocent life of his mate. How much more!?

Elijah felt his eye twitch as he yelled the question into his own head. His throat felt closed and the air around him grew colder. He wanted to shout, the demand for satisfaction was strong. He wanted to do so many things to hurt these people, to show them just how much he felt but all he could do was stare.

"We'll be taking, what is owed." They spoke yet again, their tone final and their voice gruff and they stepped towards him and he couldn't hold it anymore.

A thousand years of pain and sorrow, a thousand years of fear and hatred. All pooled into one massive scream. Elijah ripped one free from his mouth, the scream full of his anguish, his grief, his anger, his hatred and his desperate desire to die.

The sound echoed for miles and the men who tried to step towards him were shredded, blood splattered the air as their bodies exploded from the inside, all from his one simple scream that tore at the eardrums of those outside of that small town, anyone inside was exploded to bits from his anguish, anger and hatred.

All the negativity had piled at his stomach and ripped from his mouth. He stopped, panting and stumbled towards the body that still lay intact, the last remnant of his mate. He hurried towards him, the body was still warm but the eyes were as lifeless as-

Elijah clenched his hands into fists and blinked rapidly as tears filled his eyes. Not now. He thought harshly, a desperation in his heart echoed in his words, one that had followed him around for years.

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