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Donovan Phoebe

There was so much peace in seeing Elijah's face. He was grinning as he looked at his phone, swiping slowly and admiring each photo like it was the first time he'd seen it.

"It's like you don't care that I'm here."

He reached out for me, his face making faces at the screen. "I care, love, I care too much." He was using his baby voice and as much as I liked it it wasn't even directed at me.

"I want attention, give me attention." I whined straddling him and laying my whole body on him, my face snuggling into his neck, his arms were above up now as he kept swiping. "Elijah!" I whined. "I'm getting grey hairs."

"Oh! Where? Lemme see!" He dropped his phone to the side and I beamed.

"Let's find out." I sat up and began to strip so that we could see every angle of hair my body had to offer and he clapped, his fingers playing with my belt, his smirk teasing.

"Are you just trying to turn me on?" He asked teasingly as he put his palm to my stomach and I grinned down at him and shrugged.


"It's working." I laughed and bent down to kiss him and he moaned into the kiss when our door opened, I sat up and pouted only to have Claude rubbing his eyes and holding a teddy bear Ace and Arron had got him in his arms. "Hey, pup," Elijah all but pushed me as gently as he could off of me and I huffed, inching off the bed as he took Claude into his arms.

"Had bad dream." The kid whined and buried his face on the crook of Elijah's neck.

"Oh, honey, what happened?"

"Don't know," he snuggled further into Elijah, "want best friend." Elijah looked at me and raised a brow.

"Best friend, huh?" Claude just nodded against his shift clutching his teddy bear. "Well, you know they sleeping so, we can see them in the morning."

"No, now." Claude sat up and gave a pout so fierce I had to ask myself who he got it from because it was too much, even Elijah frowned feeling unsure.

"But it's night time, they're sleeping."

Claude shook his head so fiercely. "It's not late yet."

"They just left two hours ago, pup, what time do you think it is?" I asked trying to hide my smile.

"It's 2am."

I turned to see that it was a little past two. "See, it's late. It's only a few hours." He stuck his lip out and began breathing all ragged like he'd hyperventilate and we gapped. I couldn't tell if he was acting or he was seriously hurt and worried and needed to see them now.

"Okay, okay," Elijah tried to bargain. "Can't we just call them?" Claude shook his head still sniffling and his eyes brimming with tears. "Video call?"

"Need see best friend, daddy!" He whined and the tears fell. Elijah stood so fast I was stunned and had to gather myself as he sped out the apartment and I stumbled right behind him.

"Okay, we're going, we're going."


"You want him to throw a fit? He's close to throwing a fit." I chuckled at my son's ability to render us completely without reason. I went and got Christian because Elijah said we can't leave him alone even though I argued that the pack house is full of wolves to protect but he just wouldn't.

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