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"Do you feel good about this one?" Fate asked in the brightness of the Moon goddess' home. The room glowed an iridescent grey that held Fate by her wits as she stared at the naked body beneath her.

"I should be asking you...should I feel good about it?" Fate gave her sly grin, leaning down and humming lowly.

"Answer my question." She dipped her head into the goddess' neck kissing softly.

"I guess I do," the woman said softly with an arch of her back. "They're better here, almost like the first time." She gasped as Fate's nimble fingers traced over her taunt nipples. "Elijah talks to him, they-they feel like a team."

Fate hummed and paused in her actions, tilting her head down to stare at the panting woman below her, the goddess who was completely bewitched by her. "That's good, I like that you have a good feeling." Fate hummed a snicker at her double meaning.

The goddess sat up, Fate kept her eyes on her bouncing breasts that seemed to miss her touch already. Fate felt her mouth water as she wanted nothing more than to latch onto them when the goddess touched her chin and forced Fate to look her in the eye. "You have made them miserable for thousands of years, have you not grown tired of torturing my son and his mate."

Fate tilted her head, her eyes glinting with mischief. "How could I ever grow tired of tormenting my greatest creation?"

"You see him as great? Since when? You were always threatened by him."

Fate puckered her lips and shook her head. "What greater motivation for wrong than the abandonment of your maker?"

The goddess blinked as Fate giggled and grasped her breast in one hand, kneading the flesh and flicking the nipple. "Your child and my experiment, what a pair, don't you think?
An absolute powerhouse." She giggled pushing the goddess back down and suckling on her nipple as she wanted. Her mind whirling around all the plans she had in store for them, all the plans she had in store for herself.

"You, my dear, are bad to the bone." The goddess moaned, smiling and unable to have a single care in the world.


Far far away, where the gods could not see nor hear, a space between the heavens and earth, a place that hummed with its own consciousness watched over its occupants in quiet content.

In a room of thrones and a single cauldron, a room so sharply white that the human gaze would flinch and possibly burn away, four men sat around peacefully eating grapes, chatting  and laughing.

"Guys, guys, but like, honestly, what if it's like, a whole dragon?" Linus asked with a shiver. "The scales and the-ugh, no."

"Those are existinct, did you forget." Alexander said shaking his head, picking the seeds from his grapes before he ate.

"Oh whatever, it was a hypothetical."

"Didn't Elijah show you, though? Why're you acting like you don't already know whose waiting for you on earth?"

"I didn't see." The group fell silent looking at Linus who shrugged. "Unlike the rest of you, I like my life on the edge of unknown, I wanna be surprised."

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