Chapter 1- The park bench

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He sat there undone and alone, hands in lap and vison blurry. Not a muscles was moved or a coherent thought made, he sat in silence and in sadness contemplating his position and the situation at hand.

Should he stay and suffer or go into an uknown turn of life, a difficult situation to say the least.


Robin ran his ungloved hand through his hair, it was a mess and hadn't been kept in a few days, which didn't matter much as the boy wonder barely left his room within the tower anyway not that any of his teammates had even noticed.

Sighing the raven haired boy stripped the rest of his costume and found himself in a pair of dark jeans and a red hoodie, mask still intact and his now messy un-gelled hair falling randomly over his face.

He had made a decision, he could no longer stay here, no longer be around them, no longer be their leader. Not that they would mind, they would find a replacement... Probably Kid Flash if anything.

In the darken grasps of midnight, Robin crept his way out of the tower and fled into the streets away from the less than comfort of a home he no longer felt safe in.

For hours he walked around, for hours he wondered what he could do, where he could go. He never had much of a home outside of the Titans, and now that was no longer his home, he had no where to go. It took all his strength not to cry yet all that strength was not enough. Finding himself in a park next to a bench he sat down on it and pulled his knees up to his chest as tears made their way down his cheeks, their warmth heating up the coldness from the night air hitting his face.

Peeling the mask of his now wet face to be able to properly wipe away the tears caused from a mix of stress, fear and an ever growing pit of sadness. Robin sat there and cried, sobbed and sobbed for hours until his face ached and he no longer had tears to cry.

Body shaking, he tried to calm himself, tried to quiet the hiccups that quickly made themselves present, to no avail he stayed there, head rested on his knees, body shaking from exhaustion and the cold, hiccuping every now and then. Wanting the world around him to swallow him up, wanting the pitch black night to take him and his pain and make them melt into the abyss, to slowly be consumed and to stop the deep ache he felt all over, an ache that engulfed him whole, and ache he couldn't escape.

It wasn't long before Robin accepted that ache as apart of his life and it wasn't long after that many sleepless nights filled with tear shed and wincing when he moved.

Soon enough his consciousness slipped into the dark and he had his moment of bliss as he slept away.


Soft blankets and a gentle fabric was the first thing Robin felt as he slowly woke up and started taking in his surroundings.

A wave of panic hit him as he jolted up very awake now and looked around the room and his heart belted in his chest. A slight gasp escaped the boys lips as he noticed the other figure in the room, standing one leg leaned against the wall closest to the door. Robin's eyes widened. He couldn't be here with him of all people, he didn't want him of all people to see him in this state... How humiliating.

"Robin-" the red head started, stepping off the wall and a step closer to the bed.
"Don't." Robin croaked and shook his head pushing himself closer to the wall against the bed head. KF's expression softened. The boy in question had donned a baggy yellow t-shirt and long grey pants. It was weird for the heros to see each other out of costume and in something so casual.

KF put his hands up in defence, not tearing his gaze from Robin's and slowly sat on the other end of the bed, resting his hand in his lap.
"Robin," he started again, his voice nothing but soft. "what happened to you last night?"
Robin stayed silent and shifted his gaze out towards the window.

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