chapter 2- Pity

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This kinda sucks but I'm working on it being better on future chapters.

"Hey Richie?" Wally turned to look over at his guest as Richard met his eyes.
"Don't. Call me Richie." He cleared his throat, still sore.
"Anyway, I have to ask, why were you on that bench last night? Don't you have like, a tower you live in?"
Richard shook his head elaborating no further, crossing his arms implying he wanted to say no more. Although Wally wasn't taking it for an answer.
"Did something happen?" And just like before Richard was ignoring him again... great, Wally could see this was going to be a lot more difficult than he had hoped due to Richards great stubbornness but that wasn't going to stop him, Wally could be just as stubborn.

"Alright I see, getting the silent treatment again," Wally took his feet off the other boys lap and sat up straight, resting his left arm over the couch turning his body to face Richard.
"I'm going to guess that something did happen to upset you, otherwise I doubt you would be sleeping in the rain on a park bench like a lost child. The only question is, how long until you open up to me." A scowl crossed Richard face as he glared ar the ginger.
"Why can't you just accept I don't want to tell you anything and respect my prIVacy?!" Falling into a coughing fit pain stabbed Richards throat and he groaned in frustration turning away from Wallace.

Sighing Wallace got up from the couch and headed into his kitchen, moving over to the cupboards he started rummaging around for something. After several minutes he found what he was searching for and came back to the couch, planting himself next to Richard once again and handing the other boy a box of strepisils.
"Here, this should help."
Richard looked at the box then at Wally before taking the box and grunting a response. Taking one out and popping a strepisil in his mouth he gave the box back to Wallace and sat back into the couch, remaining silent still. Throwing the box aside Wally sighed and turned to the TV falling into silence.

Sunshine beamed its brightest as the sun was sat at its highest. Wallace was in town running (pun intended) a few errands as Kid Flash. Titans East needed assistance with a villain, elderly ladies needed help crossing the road, kittens needed saving from trees and the likes. It was a day normal like any other, until he ran into the Teen Titans at a pizza joint.
"HEY KF OVER HERE!!" A fuzz of green called out to the speedster. Within seconds Kid Flash was next to the group of teens, he raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
"Hey BB, what's up?" He said casually.
"Nothin' much my dude, just out for some lunch pizza!" The rest of the Titans nodded in agreement.
"Aren't you missing someone?" Pretending to just notice Robin's absence, KF looked around the table and met the eyes of everyone sitting there, they all looked confused... except for Raven of course, she only bore the same expression of tired every time he saw her.

Looking around three of the five Titans looked puzzled as they tried to spot anything out of the ordinary. 'Wow, they haven't even realised he's gone...' Wally internally grimaced at the thought. As if she could read his mind, which Wally wasn't entirely sure if she could or not, Raven rolled her eyes and spoke up.
"He's talking about Robin duh." And went back to her pizza as if she didn't just have to point out the absence of their leader.
"Huh, so that is why it has been abnormally quiet around the tower." Starfire muttered before shoving pizza into her face.
"OHHHHHHHHHH yeah that makes sense." Both boys spoke simultaneously. They all went back to eating... Jeez.
"Not that I'm too interested but, do you know where he is?" Wally figured he ask a few more questions without the Titans getting suspicious. Starfire shrugged, Cyborg shook his head and Beast Boy exclaimed 'Nope!' It was then Wally realised how little they cared that their leader had been gone without a trace for more than twelve hours, not a single concerned thought.

"Why all the talk about RoBiN, come enjoy some pizza with us bro!" BB shoved some pizza towards Wally but he shook his head.
"Eh I'm good thanks, country's to save and all, chow!"and with that Wally ran off. Beast Boy shrugged and dug back into his pizza. Stopping once to help a citizen, Wally went back home within five minutes and went straight to the kitchen, running did leave him hungry. Upon re-entering the loungeroom, he hadn't noticed the ebony haired boy staring down the neighbourhood stray. A small giggle erupted from his lips it was a cute sight. Wally sat next to Richard, the other boy made no recognition of his presence and continued to stare down the cat.
"How did he get in?" Wally spoke, not taking his eyes off the feline.
"He was scratching on the door, I opened it and he bolted in." Richard stated as if it was obvious. A moment of silent passed before Wally reignited the conversation.
"I ran into the Teen Titans today..."
Richard blinked and the cat jumped off the table, running into another room. Richard however didn't move.
"They uh... miss you."
"Liar." Richards tone was quick, sharp and cold.
Wally hummed an apology and Richards face turned into a scowl.
"Don't lie to me like that, I said I don't want your pity." Richard stands and storms out of the loungeroom and into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

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