Chapter 8 - Burning Bridges

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Richards breath caught in his throat, he instinctively shrunk down into his seat hoping to go unseen. Quickly he put his head down and feigned interest in his pizza, he couldn't bring himself to look up in the fear of being spotted. Although like most things in his life, nothing he hoped for ever did happen.

As soon as he glanced up Richard noticed Beast Boy staring right him.
'Oh fuck.' Somehow he managed to sink further into the chair. Quickly finishing off his order, Richard watched his former friend strut over to his table.
"Hey! I'm Beast Boy, what's a cool guy like you doing sittin' alone at a pizzeria?"

Richard stared blankly at him.
"What?" He managed to sputter utterly baffled.
"You looked lonley and way too cool to be sitting on your own... what's your name?"
Richard almost let out a burst of laughter. Was he serious? It dawned on him that Beast Boy didn't recognize him, not without his mask.
"I'm sorry, I want to be left alone." He felt like he was going to be swallowed whole if his former friend didn't leave soon. Beast Boy shrugged and handed him a card with the Titans Towers number on it.
"We could use a member if you're interested, you seem pretty capable of handling yourself... we've gotten a little low on numbers since our," BB air quotes. "Leader, walked out on us and Kid Flash is refusing to take his place." Robin perked up at that. Kid Flash was refusing to take the role of Titans leader? Isn't that what he always wanted from him? Richard shook his head and turned away from Beast Boy which signalled for the green teen to leave, thankfully.

For the next twenty minutes Richard did his best to avoid looking at his former teamate and tormentor. It felt like an eternity before his order was called, he quickly grabbed his box and ran out, eager to leave Beast Boy behind. His heart pounded heavy in his chest as he ran out and left in any attempt to get as far away from Beast Boy as possible. Shortly enough he ran back past the park but instead of turning home he ran further, he wasn't sure why only that his feet didn't allow him to stop. Box in hand pressed against his chest as he lost himself in an unfamiliar city, turn after turn. Soon enough Richard wasn't sure where he was anymore, slowing down to a walk he looked around for any idea where he might be.

His search for anything familiar was futile his heart was racing in his chest and his legs ached, begging for him to stop and sit down. He couldn't, he knew if he stopped he would start again so he kept walking and walking. Street and shop lights crossed over him in yellows, whites and blues as he went past with the occasional green and purples of neon signs joining the colour combination. Richard felt stupid for running away the way he did and why did he even run, it wasn't like Beast Boy was going to follow him. Once his breathing was more under control he noticed something scrunched in his hand. He turned his palm over and unravelled it to reveal the card Beast Boy gave him. His eyes watered and threatened to spill over as he chucked the card away, clinging onto the ruffled pizza box in his arms... he didn't feel like eating anymore.

Bustling nightly activity caught his attention as hard as he tried to ignore it, everything so bright and loud it was hard to block out and was very distracting. A distraction... may not be the worst thing right now. Looking around he noticed a few shops, he walked a long the path staring at the options of entertainment, not watching where he was going. Suddenly he bumped into someone, almost dropping his pizza in the collision.
"Hey!" Richard called out in surprise and turned to look at who blocked his path not expecting a familiar face as Wally stared back at him.
"What are you doing out here?" Wally looked down at the box in Richards hands and his eyes lit up.
"And is that pizza?" He made grabby hands motion at the box before Richard pulled it away from the other teen in front of him.
"None of your business, and yes it is." He scowled, his anxiety quickly turning into crankiness directed at the red head before him.

Wally pouted before pointing behind Richard.
"Home is this way, come on." Wally started walking and as he expected, Richard followed behind. The two forwarded in silence since they didn't have much to say to each other, I mean for years they had been at each other's necks as rivals, as enemies. Richard had broken the boys legs several times for christ sake, and here he was taking him home that they now shared... how do you even address something like this? Richard had never been in such a vulnerable state before, it scared him.

He felt foolish again for feeling scared, there wasn't anything here that would hurt him. If Wally wanted to hurt him he would have done so already, right? Unless of course this was all a trick to get him to his weakest and make a mockery out of it. It would explain why Wally was so willing and open to helping him instead of making fun of him for it. Richard side eyed Wally, a sudden surge of weariness formed in his mind. What if this was just some elaborate prank, that'd surely be cruel wouldn't it? Surely the other wouldn't stoop to such a low? Richard wasn't sure anymore all he knew was he was tired and wanted to sleep and if that meant he had to sleep in the same room as Wally then so be it.

His stepping faltered for a second, only a second before he continued forward. He wouldn't just be sharing a room with the boy, they'd share a bed there was only one. Richard shut his eyes and inwardly groaned he didn't really put much thought into the implications of sharing a room. This was going to be torture.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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