Chapter- 6 - The Goodbye

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(I should really proof read this stuff huh... well ignore the spelling and grammar mistakes lmao)

A weary sigh escaped the boys lips.
"Hey Wally..." The red head perked his head to face Richard.
"Whassup?" Wally could see the feeling of dread across Richards face. Richard leaned back into the couch and fumbled his hands.
"I need to go back to the tower."
"What, why?"
"My stuff is there." His gaze landed on the window, exhausted from his situation. With a nod Wally got out of his seat and stretched.
"Do you want to do that now? I could get Uncle Barry to drive us there."
Richard sat and thought in silence for a moment before he looked away from the window.
"If it isn't too much of a hassle for him, sure." Wally gave a soft smile.
"Yeah okay. Don't worry, you won't be a hassle for him, we're heroes... kind of our job to help." He chuckled lightly upon leaving the room.

Richard sighed again. He was grateful for all the help and support he was suddenly receiving but he really didn't feel worthy of it. How could he? After all, his entire life he had just been the nuisance in everyone's life, always being the one kicked when he was down becuase he was so annoying to everyone. Why would anyone want to help him? He wasn't worth helping. All he could think about, all his thoughts led him down the same spiralling path of self hatred. As if it were a whirlpool dragging him down and trapping him onto the sea floor, threatening to drown him at any moment. Before long Wally came back with his uncle who, as Wally said was happy to drive Richard back to the tower to collect his belongings. Richard rubbed his face and moved off the couch, he, along side Wally and Barry headed outside and towards the car.

Richard hopped into the car behind the passenger seat and sat silently, he stared down at the handle on the door, picking at the peeling plastic. Barry soon started the car and they were off, headed towards the one place Richard did not want to be. He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath in. 'It is going to be okay, I can do this.' He thought to himself before sighing and letting everything in his chest out. Hyping himself up to face his former team mates, if he could even have called them that in the first place.
"If you're okay that I ask," Barry paused, a little unsure if he should go on. "Why are you no longer apart of the Teen Titans?"
Richard looks up at the blonde man.
"What? I didn't tell you that."
"Sorry, Wally mentioned something about it when I asked him why you were here." Barry never took his eyes off the road.
"Oh... well," Richard leaned back into the seat and gazed out the window. "They weren't very... nice... to me. And I had enough of it." Unsaid words lingered in the closed space of the car. Heavy within the tone of the young boys voice.
"Ah... I see." Barry went quiet, Wally was Pretending to be enamoured with whatever was on his phone.
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Richard nodded at the older man as the car fell into a heavy silence.

Before long, the giant letter 'T' came into view. Towering over the rest of the city, isolated to an island sitting in the surrounding ocean. Reflecting light sparkling on the cool blue waves reflecting the light onto the already dazzling building above them which shone like a diamond, making it some what hard to look at on the rather sunnier days.
"Alright boys, we're here." Barry pulled the car to a stop in front of the doors that led inside the tower. After the long car ride, Richard stretched as he stepped out the car, turning his gaze to higher up the building where he knew the Titans would be, without him. Sitting on the couch playing videogames and having the time of their lives. Without him.

He had to do this. He needed his own things, he couldn't live off of Wally's things forever. Him and his family have given him more than enough already. Even after all the things he had done to Wally, the boy was still willing to open his home to him. He was going to have to make it up to Wally at some point, somehow. One step in front of the other, Richard made his way towards the doors of the Tower.
"Want us to come with you?" Wally called from behind him. Richard nodded, he really didn't feel like talking to his former team-mates.
"I'll wait by the car." Barry added with a nod. Both the young boys headed inside and entered the elevator. At first the ride up was quiet. Not a peaceful quiet either, more of the; I want to say something but I don't know if I should, type of uncomfortable silent. One of the boys were going to have to say something. Just as Richard was about to say something in attempts to silence the quiet, Wally spoke first.
"Are you sure you can do this, I mean being comfortable doing this after everything they did. I understand not wanting to see their faces again." Despite Wally's concern Richard didn't reply to him. He couldn't. He had nothing to say anymore, not to that. He didn't know the answer.

Before long the elevator dinged to announce its arrival at the highest floor. As soon as the doors slid open, the first thing Richard noticed was the foul musty smell that assaulted his nose. Instantly his hand went to cover his nose.
"Why does it smell so gross in here?" Wally was also noticeably cringing at the foul smell. Greenish brown stains covered everything possible to cover.
"My god, l leave for a few days and everything is already disgusting." Richard also happened to notice the broken T.V. It would explain why none of the Titans were currently in the loungeroom. Looking around, I notice the kitchen is also silent, realising there is no point going in there. Also noting that Richard notices that the horrid smell was strongest in the direction of the kitchen. Definitely avoiding there. Richard shook his head and headed down into the corridor that lead to the rooms, Wally followed behind him, the silence adding an eerie affect to the Tower.

"Where is everyone?" Wally gazed around the corridor, coming up behind the other boy.
"I dunno." He mumbled, A picture of Robin's face came up on a glass like door. A quiet sigh came from the shorter teen as he opened the door that led to the room that once belonged to him. As soon as they entered the room they instantly noticed the lack of anything, the room was bare. Wally looked over at Richard.
"I've been gone for... what? Two days." Richard tried not to let the emotion escape through his voice, or the tears past his eyes. "They've already cleared out my room..." He said in a barley audible whisper. Wally gently placed a hand on the boys shoulder.
"I'm sorry-" Richard shook his head.
"Don't. Just... don't." He turned around and walked past Wally and out the door, back into the loungeroom. This time, however the loungeroom wasn't completely void of life. In the center of the room, behind the couch stood a young woman shrouded in a purple Cape.
"Raven..." Richard whispered, not sure of the girls motives. No ever was really, everything about her screamed mystery.
"Hey, Robin." A sad smile crossed her face. Richard felt naked not having his mask, although to be honest he had completely forgotten that he had it and left it on the bedside table at Wally's house.

Ravens eyes flick over to the tall redhead standing behind her former leader.
"You're Kid Flash, right?" Wally shifted on the spot.
"It's kinda creepy how you know things. She rolled her eyes.
"I just take a second to think, unlike most people." Wally nodded and didn't say anything else.
"Your stuff... they moved it."
"I can see that." Richard spat.
"Don't take that tone with me, I told them not to." Raven glared at him and he cowered away from her. He muttered a sorry barley audible, Wally wondered if he had imagined Richard even said anything at all.
"Where'd they move it to?" Richard purposely kept his voice calm and steady, no matter how tight his throat was getting. Raven turned and hovered over to the elevator, motioning for the boys to follow. Another awkward, quiet ride back down the the ground floor ensued. Their journey up rendering pointless.

"Where is everyone else anyways?" Wally turned to the goth of the team. "Partying since R-" she quickly turned to Robin wide eyed and shut her mouth as if she just said something she wasn't supposed to. Robin's face darkened. "Since I left? yeah, I figured they'd do as much." They left the elevator and walked back out the front door, where Barry waited.
"I didn't go... obviously." She sympathetically muttered.
"Becuase it was wrong, you're my friend Robin."
Robin went silent, he stared at the ground as they rounded the tower and headed towards the back of the building. Only the buzz of misquotes and the crunch of the grass occupied the space between them until they reached the back of the Tower, where all of Robin's belonging had been thrown into a box and out the window. Robin sighed and walked over to his belongings then proceeded to stare at the box, analysing the objects he could see. Clothes, his phone, some books and his staff. All tossed to the side as if it were nothing but trash. In a way it almost was. Wally stepped up beside him and bent down to grab the box.
"Here." He said,
"I'll carry it for you." Robin nodded at let Wally lead the way back to the car.

"I have to admit, Kid Flash is the last person I expected to see you with." Raven looked between the two boys. In response Robin shrugged, he was just as surprised to see Kid Flash when he woke up. He had to admit he was the last person Robin expected help from.
"Yeah. I guess so."
"Hey look, maybe we could go have a coffee or something sometime... I don't want to never see you again after this... maybe you can tell me how this happened." She points to Robin then to Kid Flash, a sly grin crosses her face. Robin sucked a quick breath in at the realisation of what she was implying. His cheeks turned a shade of pink.
"It is NOT like that." He spoke in a furious whisper. Raven grinned and stopped next to Robin as they end up in front of the car.
"Suuuure it's not. Seriously though... I'll call you sometime, we should meet up." Robin turned towards her and gave her a nod along with a small smile.
"Thanks Raven." The two shared their goodbyes as Wally stuffed the back of the car with Robin's formerly tossed belongings.
"All right, we can go now." With that they hoped in the car, finally leaving the tower behind them once and for all.

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