Chapter 7- Settling in.

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After returning to his new official home, Richard sighed planting himself on the couch. Restlessness surged through him as he started bouncing his leg. His lips were pressed tight together, and his hands clamped shut. It was now only midday and the sun staring down from the middle of the sky, burning anything it touched, the air was heavy with heat as the day got hotter. His muscles tightened before he jumped back off the couch and started pacing back and forth in front of it.

Red and yellow of the diamond pattered carpet filled his vision as he stared down, unsure of what was keeping him from his peace. All his belongings were now stationed in his shared room, his phone on charge on the bedside table, his clothes, as few as they may be were neatly folded in to Wally's clothes draw and all his bits and bobs were neatly placed in their room. Their room... that was it. Richard stopped dead in his tracks with a sharp intake of breath. He was going to be sharing a room with Kid Flash, sleeping in the same bed as him. His belongings were stationed there as if they belonged and it wasn't like it was temporary either, he realised. Their house didn't have enough space for another room, for as long as he was staying there... he would always be in that room, with Wally, together. Fuck.

He bit the inside of his cheek and wrung his hands together, beads of sweat dampened the back of his neck and his heart fluttered. Oh god. He had to sit back down, colliding with the couch again. This was not good, he couldn't handle this, how was he going to do this?
"Richard?" A voice came from behind him. Richard spun around only to meet Wally's eyes.
"Are you alright? You look a bit pale."
The younger boy could only nod, no words would safely make it past his lips and sound normal enough to string a proper sentence together. He didn't want to make it anymore weird than it was... well than it was in his head. He didn't have to go and make it weird but he did, so now we're here. Oh the thoughts of a hormonal teenaged boy.

Now what Richard wanted to do really, was jump off the couch and run straight out through the front door... or a window that would suffice as well, but instead he stayed seated and let Wally sit next to him. With his thoughts taking the path of indecency and wild conclusions he was noticing just how close his... friend? Does he consider Wally a friend now? Well whatever Wallace is to Richard, he was now noticing how close they sat together, how Wally's warmth radiated off the boys body and gently pressed against his own. He could hear every breath Wally took, feel the movement of his chest moving and for whatever reason he couldn't focus on anything else. He tried to pull his attention away and back to the t.v. but every so often his thoughts would go back to noticing little movements and feelings emitting from Wally and it made him calm. Luring his eyes to lower making them heavy, evening out his breathing and giving him peace.

It was much darker out the moment Richard realised he was laying down on the couch with his head rested on the arm. Pulling himself up he looked around and noticed it was quite, too quiet. He was alone. Quickly he jumped from the couch and started down the hall, once again there was nothing... no one. He first made his way towards the kitchen, lunar beams gently washed over the setting, passing through the open window. A new place of comfort, deserted in darkness and moonlight without the comfort of life, everything felt so bare.

He shook the feeling as it crawled up his spine, he wasn't going to ruin this place of safety with his negative thoughts. Calming himself down through a dep breath, he forward into the kitchen headed right for the fridge, he was a little hungry. Once he took a good look into the fridge he realised just how stocked it was. It was filled with food, every shelf full. He then remembered just who's house he was in. Having two speedsters under one roof must be costly. A smile braced his features and he shut the fridge in favour for trying the freezer.

He cooked and ate in silence and alone. It had been half an hour since he woke up and still not a single soul had brought its presence fourth. He continued to have no idea where any of them were. A heavy feeling swirled in the pit of his stomach. Sighing he disposed of his plate and headed over to the couch to where he last left his phone and grabbed it. 10:34pm was the time told to him. Where was everyone at this time of night? Pocketing his phone he headed out the door only to stop and stare up at the sky. With so many lights from so many houses, it was harder to see the stars twinkle in the sky, unlike from the tower where the black canvas was littered with sparkling Flaming balls of gas.

First things first, he decided be was going to get used to the neighbourhood. To his left there were houses, about five or so before the street turned a corner. Two of the houses had lights emitting from them, the rest remain dark. On his right was more or less the same, although rather than five houses, there were three and only one house bore lights. Across the street there was a road straight down the middle, in which Richard decided would be the direction he would head.

On he went forward until the street ended and split, at the fork in this road, there were two signs. One presenting a school further down his left, the other a park. He drew his breath that he let fill his lungs fully and sighed, he knew where he was going next. Only four turns later did the young teen finally reavh his destination, a park with dark green grass, evenly cut across a semi large area. Grey walk paths curved it's way through the middle of the grass like a winding snake. Leading to its center a gazebo made from wood. Fairy lights dangled gently in the wind on the outside of the rail around the risen platform.

Although Richards gaze lingered over the soft light emitting from the small building, he immediately noticed a bench not far from where his attention was. A bench he noticed to be familiar to him. He started his way over, edged to go forward, his feet moved for him without much thought on his part. Just as he thought, it was the bench he fell asleep on. He hadn't realised just how close this park was to Wally's house. Funny how life worked like that.

He hadn't realised how far he had walked from the tower he once called his home. Not realising he walked as far enough to lay down on a bench so close to the home of the boy he once called his rival.

Now what was he? Wallace was not a friend of his, of course. Just because he was hospital towards him? Any past grievances he would let go, it was only fair to his situation really, but to go as far as calling him a friend, it was not in his best interest to do so, Richard knew how this would play out. He knew it all too well.

Shaking his thoughts away he decided to walk further, in the distance he could see a brightly Neon lit shop, as if telling him to go his stomach rumbled. Quickly Richard crossed the street and over to the brightly lit shop that disturbed that cool darkness around it. Honestly, why did a pizza shop need to be so bright? Regardless he entered the building and made his way up to the counter. A young blonde girl was present behind it.

"Hi, welcome to Pizza Pizzaroni's. How may I help you today?"
"Um, hi. Can I have a...."
Richard eyes the menu for a good five minutes.
"Can I have a cheesy crust meat lovers?"
The girl nods and puts in his order.
"We'll have it ready shortly."

And with that Richard sat down in a seat in the far corner of the building. It wasn't long before the teen was offered his order, considering the lack of business the shop had, it wasn't surprising. Which all in all made it so much easier to notice the short green guy making way too much noise on the phone, walk into the shop.

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