Chapter 3- A slow day of coming around

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After a slow moving day, night finally rolled around and the sun started to set. Wally stretched and yawned turning to look over his shoulder he eyed the clock on his wall telling him it was seven past five, he rubbed his face and got off the couch after have been doing an interesting nothing for the past three hours on it then moving to the bedroom door he knocked... no response but he called out anyway.
"I'm gonna shower... my clothes are in there."
A moment of nothing, then shuffling and the door opened. Richard was sat back on the bed, the blanket undisturbed. Wallace was curious as to what the boy had been doing in here alone for three hours.

Discarding the thought he moved over to the cupboard and pulled out some pajamas his gaze locked onto him.
"What?" Richard continued staring at the wall yet he could feel the burning stare of the ginger behind him. Snapping out of it Wally blinked.
"You were staring at me."
"I uh... sorry I zoned out."
Silence again. Wally cleared his throat and left, speaking over his shoulder just as he was exiting the room,
"You should shower after."
Richard hummed, showing no further answer Wally left.

Richard was so different now it was weird to think that only two months ago the last time he saw him that Richard was nothing more to Robin to him, loud obnoxious, competitive with a massive ego. Now he was Richard who wouldn't say more than a few words and sat by himself in his room all day. Weird how only a few hours can change how you see someone. Wally shook the thoughts away and headed towards his shower.

Steaming hot water relaxed his muscles, still a little sore from today's runs. He let the past day run through his head, gathering his thoughts together about the situation at hand. He had taken in Robin from the cold night off a bench park, let him sleep in his bed, watch his frenemy go from loud to concerningly quiet and obviously there was something the boy wonder wasn't telling him obviously. Wally made an assumption that it had something to do with his team. He always knew they fought and were all kind of jerks, easy to shove their leader to the side the moment Wally showed up. He had obviously left the tower otherwise he wouldn't have been on the bench in the park. Which means he left the Teen Titans? Wally would have to ask about that later.

Drying off his hair with the towel he flicked it over his shoulder and it landed directly into the wash basket. Wally shook his head letting the fiercely orange wet mop on his head spray water everywhere. He heard an annoyed grunt come from from his right. He turned to see Richard with an arm raised over his face, covering himself from being assaulted by water.
"Sorry." He chuckled before stepping out of the doorway. Richard stepped passed him before turning to look at the taller boy. Lifting up his right arm he revealed the clothes he was holding. A plain yellow shirt and black sweatpants.
"I'm borrowing your clothes." He mumbled then stepped into the bathroom shutting the door behind him before getting an answer of consent for taking the speedsters clothes. Not that Wally minded, not like Richard had anything else to wear.

Sighing he walked into the kitchen, striding over to the food cupboard. Wally pulled out a packet of pasta and some pasta sauce, tonight was going to be a pasta night. Richard eventually opened the door and walked out of the bathroom. Wally's shirt seriously too large for him and the pants were pulled tightly by the string to keep them sitting on the boys smaller waist. Looking at Richard wearing clothes several sizes too big for him made Wally's lips twitch upwards, a surge of giggles escaping through his lips. Wally covered his mouth with his hand trying to hide his laughter to no no avail, the boy wonder snapped his attention over to the giggling red head and scowled.

"What?" Richard crossed his arms over his chest, leaning his weight onto his left leg. Wally shook his head still smiling he took his hand off of his mouth.
"You seem to be struggling to keep my pants on you." He motioned towards the string being so far pulled out it was grabbing at the pants themselves wrinkling them greatly.
Richard rolled his eyes.
"They're too big, what else was I supposed to do?"
"I think you're just to small, they fit me just fine." Wally snarked, still stirring their dinner with a wooden spoon in one hand before the pasta boiled over in the pot. Richard shot him a nasty look before throwing himself down onto the couch and sighing.

Once Wally finished making pasta he handed a bowl to Richard and sat in the space next to him, getting into his own bowl. Reaching for the remote, Wally started flicking through channels until he finally settled on a night time aired movie, something about a girl Pretending to be her brother at school? It was about halfway through the movie before Richard put his half eaten dinner down in his lap and turned to face Wally.
"You know," he started, his gaze intensely resting on the red head.
"This is weird."
Wally cocked an eyebrow towards his house guest.
"What is?"
"You, me, here, in your house. Us sitting together enjoying dinner as we watch t.v. together," Richard gestured to himself then to Wally before pointing right back at himself.
"I hated you and I'm pretty sure you weren't my biggest fan either." Richard turns his sight back to the t.v.
"It's weird." He mutters, not taking his eyes off the screen.
"Well," Wally began. "I'm just that nice that I'm willing to aid my greatest frenemy." He grinned as he shovelled more food into his mouth. He heard Richard give a playful scoff, eyeing him out of the corner of his eyes.
"Hey," Wally started again. "You said you hated me... does that mean you no longer hate me?"
Richard froze for a second before he narrowed his eyes before rolling them, ignoring Wally further and stared at the t.v. once more. Wally grinned and resumed eating his dinner, he'd take that as a yes.

Bowls were stacked in the sink and both boys decided to sit on the front porch and watch the cars go by as the sky further darkened, slowly beginning to see all the thousands of twinkling white stars, one by one. Night air gently flowed past, around and over their skin. A peaceful chilly hug that relaxed any tense muscles in their body. They both were sat on an old red chair with somewhat comfortable fabric that had bits fluff poking out of random cuts around the seat.

Richard sighed as he leaned back against the worn out couch.
"Hey Wally?" Richards tone was soft and tender that it almost surprise Wally that it had come out of Richards mouth at all.
"Yeah?" He turned to look at Richard as the boy stared off into the night sky.
"Do you have parents or are you living alone here?" A tinge of caution was evident in the boys voice, hoping it was not too personal of a question. Wally shrugged.
"I left my parents ages ago... they weren't very nice towards me. I uh, but I don't usually live on my own, I have my aunt and uncle usually... um," Wally shifted in the seat and turned his attention towards the sky, mimicking the other boys pose.
"They're away for the weekend... some date thing. So that leaves me here... alone for the weekend."
Richard nodded but didn't say anything more as they eased into the silence around them.

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