Chapter 4- New start

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Growing tired Wally pulled himself off the couch, using his hand to stifle a yawn. He passed Richard and pushed the door open before heading inside, with this movement Richard decided to follow suit and head back inside himself. Closing the door behind him and locking it he adjusted back to the bright warm light of the loungeroom, grabbing his left wrist with his right hand and stretching his arms over his head as he too yawned.

"You can sleep in the bed again." Wally broke the silence as he turned to Richard, who only nodded in reply and headed down towards the room. Instead of passing out on the couch like last night Wally decided to climb into his aunt and uncles' bed. Pulling the sheets over his shoulder and turned onto his side as his head hit the pillow. He sighed and closed his eyes trying his best to fall asleep although his mind had other ideas as it raced with thoughts and questions, he wondered about what he was going to do with Robin, how long he was going to stay there and what he was going to tell his caregivers.

Meanwhile Richard laid on his back, his eyes locked onto the ceiling, eyeing each little imperfection present... He wanted to go back to the tower. He wanted to see his friends again. His friends weren't very nice to him, why would he want to see them again? He heaved a deep sigh and turned to the window. Silver moonlight crept through the cracks of the Carmine red curtains as they swayed to the gentle commands of the wind, guiding the fabric in a dance of the night. Richards heart grew heavy, tears threatened to breach and sting his eyes. Why did he deserve this, what did he do to deserve the actions of his team-mates? Pulling the covers over him Richard tried to forget about his... friends for the time, instead get some sleep. There was no betterment in being tired and low of energy.

Any attempt at sleep proved to be futile for the boy wonder, he tossed and turned with his mind running through a string of endless thoughts forcing their way through one at a time, a one way train wreck to over thinking and worrying about more than he should. Like an avalanche stress seeped it's way over him, tears managed to wet his face and drip over the bridge of his nose and down his left cheek. Quietly he tried to keep his sniffling to a minimum in fear of disturbing Wallace, the last thing he wanted was to be a nuisance to the only person showing him kindness.

Before he knew it morning sunshine peered through the curtains, taunting him over his sleepless night. With a groan Richard pulled himself upright and checked the clock stationed on the wooden bedside drawer.
"Seven thirty already?" He yawned, stretching his arms above his head turning from side to side. Drowsily he rubbed his eyes and wobbled onto his feet, another yawn pushed its way past his lips. After blinking a few times he made his way to the bedroom door and sighed, he had no idea what he was going to do. Scowling he shoved his thoughts aside and opened the door only to be met with a blonde man.

"Morning Richard." The man gave a smile as he slung a bag over his shoulders. Richard gave out a small noise of confusion in regard to the man. In return the older man raised an eyebrow.
"It's me Barry." Yet evident on the boys face Barry could tell he still didn't recognize him. Rolling his eyes Barry tried again.
"The Flash?" He sighed. A moment of silence then realization dawned on Richards face.
"Ohhhhh! Yeah, sorry just woke up." As if to back up his claim another yawn forced its way out. Richard covered his mouth.
"I can tell." Barry chuckled and continued down the hallway and into the room at the end. Stepping out of the doorway he closed the door behind himself and grudgingly made his way over to the kitchen where he ran into a red-headed woman, who he figured if Barry was here the woman must be Iris, at least he was pretty sure that was her name.

"Good morning, Richard was it?" She perked up turning her attention to the small boy. He nodded his head at her.
"Mornin'" He grumbled as he moved in front of the cuboard to pull out cereal. Iris smiled at the boy and moved out of his way, she put the cup she was holding down into the sink and grabbed a suitcase that was resting against a wall just outside the kitchen. Richard watched her leave down the same hall Barry had, pulling the suitcase behind her. A grumble emitting from him stomach turned his attention back to food, he assembled the necessities of breakfast; milk, a bowl and a spoon. He places them on the counter and pours his cereal before a whirl of breeze brushes up against him. Wally places both his hands on the counter from behind Richard and looks over his shoulder.
"What you doing?" He asked rhetorically.

A mistake on Richards behalf, he turned around and looked up at the ginger.
"Making breakfast..." He trailed off now painfully aware that Wally was only inches away from him. Richard tried backing up but was instantly reminded there was a bench behind him and grabbed onto the edges, his breath caught in his throat. It felt like time had slowed down and only they at that very moment existed and it was at that moment Richard saw just how green Wally's eyes were. He could feel his cheeks stupidly turn red but he couldn't stop himself from staring at the boy in front of him as he felt his warm breath against his cheek.

Barry cleared his throat from the kitchen entrance and both boys jumped and hit their heads together. Barry chuckled as he went over to the fridge, both boys blushing a furious red as they held their heads where they had bumped into the other teen. Quickly getting back to pouring cereal Richard tried his best to ignore what gad just happened, hoping that the embarrassment he was feeling would go away. When he turned back around, bowl in hand. Wally was nowhere in sight so he headed straight for the kitchen table and sat down on the chair under the window and he didn't dare look at the adult across from him as he pretended to be completely focused on his breakfast in hopes of avoiding any possible eye contact with him. It was safe to say Richard had never felt more embarrassed in his life.

It wasn't long before Richard had emptied his bowl and washed it. Taking a deep breath he sighed.
"What's wrong Richard?" The boy wonder turned around to see Iris with a raised eyebrow aimed at him. He shook his head.
"It's nothing, I just don't know what I'm going to do..." iris' face turned into a puzzled look.
"What do you mean?" She repositioned her weight to her hip and crossed her arms.
Richard shrugged.
"I don't know I just, I don't think it'd be a good idea to go back to the tower and I left batman ages ago, I don't really want to go back there either," he looked down to the floor and leaned back against the bench.
"I'm just not sure what I should do from here. I have no team and no home..." It was as if saying it out loud really made those words true, the weight of his situation finally hitting him, he was officially homeless. Iris' expression turned soft.
"Hun, you're welcome to stay here for as long as you like, really. I mean we took Wally in after all, I'm sure you'll be okay."

He hadn't realised that Wally was standing in the kitchen until he piped up.
"What do you mean you took me in after all?" He spoke with a mocked accusing tone. Iris giggled and turned her attention to her nephew.
" I just mean we were happy and able to do so." She offered a warm smile and ruffled his hair. Without realising it Richard was genuinely smiling, something he hadn't done in a long time.
"I don't really want to overstay my welcome though." He spoke up, resuming their conversation. Iris walked over to Richard and gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Sweetheart, you'll never outstay your welcome, you're welcomed here for as long as the world goes round." A tightness filled the boys chest and the threat of tears edged his eyes. He squeezed his eyes shut before they could spill over and wiped his face.
"Thank you Mrs. West." His voice held backa trembled clenching at his throat. Iris pulled Richard into a hug.
"Call me Iris sweetheart."

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