Chapter 5- hopeful dreams

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He wanted to cry, his chest tight and his throat stung, trying to do everything in his power as he attempted not to make a fool of himself. Looping his arms around the woman, who for the first time properly met him but was already opening her home and arms to him as if he were her own son. Before he even had to chance to stop it, he felt his tears run down his face and stain the soft fabric of Iris' shirt. Sniffling, he pulled his face back from her blue shirt, not wanting to ruin her clothes with his crying.
"Thank you." He mumbles into the sleeve of Wally's yellow shirt that he stole from his new roomate two nights ago.

"Now," Iris gently rubbed Richards shoulders and moved her hands to her hips. I have to go help Barry unpack our stuff. She turns to Wally, "You discuss with Richard his sleeping arrangements now that we're back, okay Hun?" Wally nodded as his aunt walked away, he then turned his gaze to the only other person in the kitchen with him, who was obviously trying not to cry but failing terribly.
"So uh," Wally started, a little unsure how to go about Richard crying. Fidgeting with the ends of his shirt, Wally met his eyes with Richards, who was now wiping away his tears and trying to calm himself down.

Clearing his throat Wally continued.
"Uhm, you can continue to sleep in my bed and I'll just sleep on the couch again. Doesn't bother me." Crossing his arms, Wally shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Richard shook his head.
"You live here, you should sleep in your bed. I... don't mind sleeping on the couch."
"You know I can't let you do that Richie."
Richard narrowed his eyes at the ginger before him.
"I told you not to call me that." He pouted.
A cheeky grin formed on the other boys face.
"You won't tell me your nickname and Richard is such an effort to say all the time. I had to compromise... but if you hate it so much, maybe you should tell me your nick name."

Richard rolled his eyes and walked into the loungeroom, proceeding to sit on the couch and turn on the t.v.
"Anyway," he ignored Wally's statement and continued on. "I'll sleep on the couch."
Following right behind Richard, Wally sat next to him.
"Uh, I already offered you the bed so... you have to take it."
"No," He shook his head. "That's never been a rule."
"My bed my rules."
"I don't want to sleep in your bed." Richard crossed his arms and turned to the t.v.
"Why not? You had no problem sleeping in it before."

Scowling, Richard crossed his arms even tighter to try and prove a point. It was bad enough Wally, Kid Flash... his enemy took him out of the rain and brought him into his home. He accepted that with not many other options, but he wasn't letting him do anything more for him, for whatever was left of his ego. Which probably wasn't much by now.
"Take the bed Richard."
"Take it."
"I don't want to."
"Why not?"
"It's your bed."
"Yeah and I'm offering it to you."
Back and forth the boys went, Richard as stubborn as always, refused to give in. It wasn't until Barry walked in a little five minutes later.

"What are you boys arguing about?" He questioned. Turning to his uncle Wally placed his hands to his hips.
"Richard is refusing to take the bed."
In response Richard scoffs.
"It's his bed, I'll just sleep on the couch." Forgetting about his uncle, Wally turned back to the boy in front of him.
"Oh my god you Dick. Just take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch." The ebony haired teen glared at Wally, refusing to budge. Barry cleared his throat and stopped the boys before they could continue further.
"Why don't you boys share the bed?"

Both boys went silent, turned and looked at the blonde man. None of them spoke as they considered the option. The silence being broken by Richard clearing his throat and turning away.
"I don't care." He mumbled so quietly Wally almost didn't hear him.
"Okay!" Wally clapped his hands together. "Sharing the bed. Works for me." A warm smiled made itself present on Barry's face.
"Glad to have helped." He walked out of the room and out of sight. More silence filled the loungeroom at an uncomfortable level.
"I'm going to go shower." And with that Richard quickly left the room, leaving Wally all by himself.
"Right." He muttered to no one in particular. Is sharing a bed really going to work though? He thought to himself. As he was pretty sure Richard still didn't like him.

He decided to collapse onto the couch, there wasn't much to do at the moment. His eyes lazily took in the moving pictures on the screen as they blurred into one another. His mind drifted and he found himself thinking about the boy wonder who would now be living with him. It was a strange concept to take in really. Their relationship had never been good, all those times Robin had broken his ankles or thrown him out a window, every time they fought and mocked one another, every time he tried to get back at him in anyway he could.

Although that was far away in the past now, and he realised this was going to be a big change he was going to have to get used to, he could already feel it somewhere deep inside him. Now just thinking about Robin made him feel different. There was a lot he'd have to get used to whether he liked or not. Before he even realised it, Richard was sitting on the other end of the couch, wearing yet another set of oversized clothes that belonged to Wally. For some reason seeing Richard going around in his clothes that were too big for him made Wally's chest tense in a way he didn't want to acknowledge.

"What are you watching?" The boy mumbled from his end of the couch.
"Huh?" Wally snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Richard.
"Uh, I don't know?" He turned his head over to the TV and noticed it was showing some cheesy romance show with very emotionless actors that were obviously not being paid enough for this.
"How can you not know, were you not watching?"
"So what if I wasn't?"
A quizzical expression crossed Richards face.
"How are you not bored? I was in the shower for almost half an hour."
Wally shrugs and closes his eyes with a sigh. He faintly heard "weirdo" come from Robin's direction and smirked.
"That's rich coming from you bird brain."
Richard threw an offended look over to his new roomate.
"How. Dare. You," Richard whispered in offence. "Whatever... Twinkle Toes."
Wally let out a snort as he opened his eyes to look at Richard.
"Twinkle Toes?"
Richard was obviously failing to hide the grin on his face.
"Yes, Twinkle Toes." He said, matter of factly.

"That's a stupid insult."
"Oh, and Bird Brain is so much more creative?" For once, Wally realised their bickering was playful, this perhaps was a change he could get used to.

(I feel the need to mention that the story is 1234 words lol)

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