Chapter 2

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The next day, Lumine had left the hospital to go where the refugees were staying. When she arrived there, she saw Carla, Eren and Mikasa get food from Armin. Lumine sighs in relief before she notices that two garrisons talk badly about the refugees. Then Eren came over them and kicked their legs shocking Carla who shouted at him. One of the soldiers trying to hit Eren back when Lumine interfered with him by taking his punch before she squeezed his hand and quickly swung her leg on his face made him fall down on the ground. Another soldier tried to help his friend but Lumine was fastest kicking his chest before she turned her body kicking his face harder to make him groan in pain. Two soldiers had fallen down on the ground and were defeated by her.

They looked at Lumine who had a dark aura around her that made them scared of her. "What did you say just now? You hope the titans eat them so the food will not be less, huh? Are you really cruel and selfish? Of course you are. You had never cared about them so you can say that to them who are losing their hometown? How about I put you two in their place so you can feel their feelings? I hope you two will die by titans because of your bad mouth. How I wish to do that at you. Listen carefully, you pig! These foods were not in your only ration. There were also from the scouts too. It's not like the food will be less to give to the refugees. So, better shut your mouth! Leave before I kill you, pig!" Said Lumine darkly which make them nodded their head as they running away. Lumine was sigh as she going to Eren, Mikasa, Armin and Carla.

Mikasa saw Lumine which make her sigh in relief and glad to see Lumine stay alive. "Hey, Eren. Are you okay? I know that you angry at them but please control of your anger issue. Because if you do, you will cause trouble on your mother, Eren. Please don't make her worry of you." Said Lumine calmly as she look at Eren. Eren feel ashamed of himself for being immature kid and worry his mother again. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry, mom, Lumine-nee." Said Eren lowly as he looking down in shame. Carla giggle at him as she kneel down touching his cheeks softly. "It's okay, Eren. I had forgive you. (Look at Lumine as she stand up) Thank you for protect him, Lumine. I had heard about you from Mikasa and Eren. I'm happy if you stay with us, Lumine." Said Carla softly make Lumine nodded her head. Mikasa had lighten up as Lumine agree to staying with them. Lumine didn't understand of Mikasa who seem happy looking at her. But she just ignored it.

Two years later in 847, Lumine, Eren, Armin and Mikasa were joined the military training. Half of the refugees were forced to fight titans and died in vain. It was an order from the royal gorvement. Carla had decided to be a healer of survey corps. She had joined them last year and she already become the stronger soldier which amaze Eren and Mikasa. Lumine had told Carla that she will take care of her children which make Carla feel grateful to her. In two years, Lumine had visit Dina almost everyday to see if she wake up but she still coma. Lumine sigh as she need to wait the time come for Dina out from her coma. Lumine also find out that Carla rejected Shadis's feeling make her sigh as she understand of Carla's feeling. After she losing Grisha, Carla decided to move on of her life.

Lumine had standing together with other cadets. She had silently trained Eren and Mikasa with her fighting style. Not much as she have more styles she created her ownself. She just doesn't want to teach them of her dangerous styles. Lumine was sure that Eren and Mikasa will be the strongest soldier. Lumine also hope Shadis move on and accept the rejection. Shadis had shout many people and when it come to her turn, Lumine have an emotionless face. Her emotionless face more scary than Captain Levi, Mikasa Ackerman and Annie Leonhart. It make Shadis feel shiver looking at Lumine. "W-What are you coming here for?!" Said Shadis in a little stutter before get himself. Everyone were stunned looking at Commander Shadis who seem stutter at Lumine. "I'm Lumine Fullbuster from Shiganshina! I'm come here to join the survey corps and save humanity! I want to kill all the titans and free us from the hell! Also I want to win the humanity!" Said Lumine with a confident yet emotionless tone.

Everyone were shocked at her words except Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Lumine never forget about Armin. She had help Armin to be a confident and trained him a little so he can survive. Armin seem have a confident and a little strong with his look make Lumine satisfied with him. Shadis had speechless before he nodded his head going another one. Lumine was glad that she won't deal with other problem. Sasha had make a scene which Shadis punished her. At dinner, Lumine have a dinner with Eren, Mikasa and Armin. Sasha still with her punishment make Lumine feel pity of her. Even so, she heard the people asked Eren about titans make her sigh. She just let Eren talked to them about titans. Everything were fine until it ruined by a guy who have ash brown hair and his face look like horse. His name is Jean Kirstein. He said something annoyed make Lumine glared at him.

She didn't like his mocked tone at Eren who dreaming to join the scouts. Lumine had get up from her seat harshly getting everyone's attention on her. They were gulped looking at her dark face who looking at Jean. Jean was gulped in fear as he look at Lumine. "Oi, what the hell you mocked him when he talked about joining the scouts, huh? Are you thinking that he afraid? Why would he afraid when we were in the Shiganshina saw more titans? Besides, his mother also join the scouts last year to help them who get injured. She also get fight titans to save humanity. How about you, huh? For someone who never see titans will never understand. You never look titans. How come you look so sure about that, huh? Piss his pant to hide his fear? He did but just once. He had scared at first but he fight it against because he have a dream. His dream to save humanity and freedom. What about you? You want to join the military police so you can safe from titans. That dream of yours were more coward than Eren. I have a dream. And my dream is to save humanity and free us from those titans. If I die, let's s my death be a honor for humanity. Unlike you who the coward one. So, stop mocking the people's dream! You little bastard horse face!" Said Lumine darkly and anger tone.

Jean was looking down with a shame face as he get insulted by Lumine. Lumine quickly leave the cafeteria following by Mikasa and Eren. Armin sigh as he go to his room. Lumine had shared room with Mikasa, Sasha and Annie. Lumine want to give food to Sasha but she know that Historia will give food to her so she doesn't mind about it. Lumine had ignored Eren talking to Mikasa. Next day, all the cadets were in the training to balance the gear. Lumine know that Shadis will make Eren's gear be a defaulty so she will stop it. When her turn, everyone were awe to see Lumine have a good balance when she use her gear. After she done, she go back to her line. When come into Eren's turn, as she expected that Eren's gear was defaulty. So, Lumine had raised up her hand which caught everyone's attention.

"Sir, I think that his gear was defaulty. I don't think that he have a problem with balance. Something wrong with his gear, sir." Said Lumine calmly. Shadis had look at Lumine make him raised his eyebrow at her. "Oh, really? What make you think that, cadet Fullbuster?" Said Shadis as he look at Lumine. He was flinched a little when he saw her expression. Lumine sigh as she need to prove him. "I see. Talk was useless. Let me give my gear to Eren, sir. I will prove you that." Said Lumine still calm make Shadis nodded his head in defeated. After Lumine give Eren her gear, he was set up as he balance with Lumine's gear. Everyone were awed to see that Eren finally balance himself. Lumine look back at Shadis as she give him a challenge look make Shadis sigh. Shadis had passed Eren which make Eren feel happy. Eren quickly thanked Lumine for helping him. Everyone were leave as they going the next training which be killing fake titans. Shadis had watched them until he saw Lumine kill fake titans. Her speed and killing titans were amazed him. He have a feeling that Lumine might bring victory to humanity.

'Well, it seem like I found someone. A hope of humanity.' - Shadis

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