Chapter 4

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Lumine was going to the headquarters as she needed to get ready for a battle. She saw an emergency had coming and she quickly got her supplies like gear, gas and blades. She also took extra blades and gas for emergencies. Lumine saw many cadets were panic make her sigh. She was line up with other cadets when Captain Woerman give them a speech. Lumine was scowl as she didn't like him. She know that Woerman was a coward who sacrifices cadets to save himself. She didn't like that person who abandoned his duty just want to save himself. She also admit herself that she didn't like Rico. She need to do something and hope that her plan will not failed as she think that she not transform into a titan shifter.

She was sure that Eren will doing fine. She just need to prevent Eren from attacking Mikasa. Then all the cadets going to been chosen as a group. Lumine decided to doing a solo team as she going her own way. There she saw Jean been held by Eren as Jean whining like a childish thing. "A squirrel children? Can you just shut up for now, horse face? You should see the situation now. You don't know when the wall broken. So just shut up and prepare of yourself to kill titans. Or are you scared? Then go to die!" Said Lumine harshly make Jean silent himself feel ashamed. Eren then calmed Mikasa and told her to follow Lan and his team. Lumine had changed her mind as she go into Eren's squad. Mikasa saw Lumine as she running toward her and hugging her. ''Lumine-nee, please be careful. I don't want to lose any family. And I know that you will, Lumine-nee.'' Said Mikasa in worry tone.

Lumine had patted her head softly before she nodded her head. Lumine then leaves with Eren and his squad. Her squad were Eren, Armin, Thomas, Mina, Nick and Milieus. They were going to the town. Lumine saw a sign when she saw a titan who was ready to fly over them which made Lumine grabbing Thomas with her as they avoided it. Thomas seems grateful to Lumine who saved him. Lumine quickly flew toward it and killed it with a fast before following her squad. She saw Eren going to kill titans but her squad had been careless except Thomas and Armin. Lumine saves Mina and Milieus but can't save Nick who slapped him to death. Lumine had killed two titans but not a titan who had bending down.

Lumine then told Mina and Milieus to staying there with Thomas. Lumine saw Eren's leg had bitten off by a titan while Armin was groan himself as he felt pain on his forehead. A titan had hold Armin and going to swallow him when Eren holding him. Eren saying something to Armin as Eren throwing Armin out before titan bite his hand cutting his hand. Armin shout his name in grief. Lumine sigh as she goes to Armin pulling him away from that titan. A few minutes later, Lumine pulled away from Armin to see his condition. ''Hey, Armin. Pull of yourself. I know that you feel upset but you need to continue and don't waste Eren's sacrifice for you. If you still be like this, I guess that he will feel disappoint on you thinking that his sacrifice will be wasted. We will mourn it later. Now, we have to leave. Thomas, Mina, Milieus, take Armin with you. I'm going to hunt titans. See you later. I will come back later.'' Said Lumine as she run leave them.

Lumine flying to find titan who eat Eren. But there a few of titans had blocked her ways make her kill them so easily. She never stop killing them. She doesn't know how many longer she kill until she saw Mikasa, Armin and Connie who standing there on the rooftop. She also notice titan fighting another titan. Lumine realize that titan was Eren. Lumine seem relief to see him alive and will help him. She was going to Mikasa, Armin and Connie. "Hey, guys. What's wrong? We have to go the headquarters right now." Said Lumine calmly startled them when they look at her. Mikasa quickly running over her and hugging her with a relief look. Armin feel glad that Lumine seem fine. Armin told them to use that titan who kill other titans. Lumine had listen and agree at last when they look at her. They were luring Eren's titan to the headquarters.

Lumine know that Eren saw them and will follow them. They were arrived at the headquarters through the window shocking everyone. Jean was glad that Mikasa safe. Lumine had ignored Jean as she told them to hurry up. Connie explained to them about Eren's titan who helped them but Jean didn't believe on Connie saying that was a ridiculous that titan helping them. Mikasa states that they will be able to use this habit to their advantage and get everyone out alive as the rogue prepares to engage more Titans around the building. Using an arm lock, it throws a large Titan against a small group of other Titans before roaring again and charging at another one. It quickly punches the jaw off of this one and kicks a couple of smaller Titans that get in its way.

Lumine told them to follow what Mikasa said make them obey her. They were going to the gas supply room on the ground floor. Lumine had ignored Reiner who asked Connie about Eren's titan form as she know that no one had any idea about Eren. Jean brings in some old firearms and Armin lays out their plan of action to take out the seven 3-4 meter Titans currently infesting the supply room. By using the guns to blind the Titans, the most physically capable soldiers can leap down from the rafters and dispatch all the Titans simultaneously. Although Armin harbors doubts about the plan, everyone agrees that it is the best thing available and Mikasa further reassures Armin by telling him that his plans have saved her and Eren's lives before. Lumine was patted his head make him looked at her.

"Don't worry, Armin. Everything will be fine. You had save their life and believe on her, Armin. I had told you before, right? Don't doubt of yourself and have on faith of yourself, Armin." Said Lumine softly make Armin nodded his head. He felt relieved that Lumine had calmed him. The lift is ready and everyone gets into position on the lift or in the rafters. A bit of humor results as Reiner tells Conny that the second Titan weak spot is a sword "up their ass." As expected, the Titans begin to close in on the human concentrated lift and when they are closest, are exposed to the devastating volley of gunfire to their eyes. At that moment, Lumine, Mikasa, Sasha, Conny, Annie, Reiner and Belthodlt leap from the rafters and kill their designated Titan. However, Sasha and Connie fail make everyone panic of their safety. Lumine and Mikasa were not hesitated kill two titans to save them.

Sasha had jumped on Mikasa as she thanked her while Connie thanked Lumine which she patted his head before going to Sasha as she want to make sure that Sasha was fine. The cadets, although shaken, are elated as the supply room is cleared and begin refueling their gas tanks. Lumine had also fill her gas as she saw Jean and Marco were talking at each other. Lumine just let them as she know what she will to do. She have to do something about Marco. She want to prevent him from died. When the cadets finish refueling, they all leave the HQ and begin heading for the safety of the Wall. However, Mikasa is watching the mysterious Titan as it has been pinned down by multiple other Titans, who are now resorting to cannibalism. She believes this anomaly could help unravel some of the mystery surrounding the Titans and contemplate aiding it. Reiner agrees saying that if the rogue died, they would have learned nothing.

Lumine have joined them when she heard of Reiner's word. Lumine was scowl at him as she know that Reiner want to know who is control that power of founding titan. When Jean argues that it is still a Titan, Annie replies that it could be a potential ally. Lumine had cut Jean off as she saying that will be miracle for them make Jean scowled at her words. At that moment, Eren's titans angrily bound all the titans losing his arm and bite abnormal titan who cross over him. The Titan then lifts the Titan's corpse-turned-weapon, and crush the Titans pursuing it, before sending the body and another Titan flying into a house. Grimly, Jean asks which Titan needed help, but then the mysterious Titan lets out one final roar before falling to the ground. Jean remarks that it probably ran out of strength, and turns to leave, but the others look speechlessly at the Titan's corpse as a figure removes itself from the nape of the neck. Lumine is just silent as she know who that person is inside the nape of the neck.

The figure who emerges is Eren, unconscious but alive. While the others are in shock, Mikasa quickly goes to check on Eren. She is in shock, but embraces him before listening for a heartbeat, and cries as soon as she finds it. The scene shifts to Stationary Guard spotter monitoring the situation in Trost before turning back to the top of the supply HQ, where Jean, Armin, Reiner, Belthodlt, Annie, Lumine, a crying Mikasa and an alive Eren are now present. Armin notices Eren has regenerated his missing limbs, but questions arise, as he sees Eren get eaten. He grips Eren's hand and breaks down into tears as well. Jean, one of the speechless spectators, realizes something and turns around. He observes the disintegrating corpses of the Titans and realizes that Eren was the cause of it all. Lumine was seem relief that Eren still alive even she know that he will. Now, another problem was Captain Woermann. She need to find a way to protect Eren but she know that Eren will be fine. Even so, she can't help to go with them.

'The part was done. Now, to face another stupid problem. I have to protect these kids no matter what.' - Lumine

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