Chapter 6

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The next day, Lumine was going to meet with Commander Pyxis as she promised to tell him about her. In Pyxis's office, she stayed alone with Pyxis as she doesn't want anyone know about her true self. Pyxis was sitting on his chair as he looked at Lumine. He gave her a small smile on his face. "Well, Lumine. As you promised me, I hope you can tell me about yourself." Said Pyxis softly makes Lumine feel comfortable with him. Lumine was sigh softly as she hoped that Pyxis would trust her. Pyxis was the only one that could help her whenever she wanted to save the world. "Okay. But before that, I need to ask you. Will you trust me when I tell you everything, sir? I just don't want to waste time if you don't." Said Lumine calmly.

Pyxis smiled at her knowing that she want someone trust her. "Yes, I will. Don't worry about it, Lumine. I can feel it if you lie to me or not. I won't judge you anyway, Lumine." Said Pyxis as he assure her that he will trust her. Lumine seem relief that Pyxis will trust her. "Okay, sir. I was actually not from this world. I mean that I was from another world. I just come here five years ago by transportation magic or I don't know what is it. This world just universe like a show. I know everything about what happen and I want to save them. I even know who Colossal titan and Armored titan. I want to save them. I don't know how I get titan power but what I know that I can use this knowledge to save them quietly until we get freedom. I want to save them with my own way, sir. In my world, there no titans. I just come here because that transportation. I just thinking that I was send here to save everyone and protect humanity. Even I want to change the world, sir. That's all I have to tell you." Said Lumine calmly.

Pyxis had listen everything from Lumine and there were no sign of lies from her which he nodded his head. He was trusting her as he know that she can save them even they don't know about her. Pyxis had decided to keep her identity from Erwin and Zachary. Especially from military police. "I trust you, Lumine. I told you, right? I can feel that you not lying on me. Don't worry, Lumine. I won't tell anyone about your identity unless you're the one who tell them. I trust of your judgement. Even so, I don't mind if you tell Erwin Smith about yourself or you can tell Zachary. I'm sure that he will not judge you knowing that you can help us. It's up to you, Lumine. Sometimes, we can rely to others but I know that you don't want to take a risk because your secret will be revealed so easily. I trust you that you can do it, Lumine. I will be your back up if something happen. I guess you need to leave now because I need to see Erwin. See you at the court, Lumine." Said Pyxis gently make Lumine nodded her head.


At the court room, Lumine, Mikasa, Armin and Ian were come as the witnesses for Eren's sake. Lumine sigh as she hope that Levi will not beat Eren up or Mikasa will hate him. Lumine sure love Levi in secretly but she had hide her feelings so no one will find out of her feelings to Levi. Carla was there to see Eren. Carla already being a member of Levi's squad. After the Trost get sealed up, Lumine had going to take Dina back from abandoned house and take her to the hospital again for her treatment. A same doctor who know Lumine had let Dina staying the hospital until she wake up. Lumine was hoping that Dina will wake up from her coma. Lumine had snapped out when she heard Levi asks for proof that Titans will wait while they seal the gates and says that the merchants speak only in regards to money, which they deny it. Lumine was scoffed which caught Levi's attention as he glance at Lumine.

Lumine didn't like them especially that Nick who look up at the wall. 'Huh, idiot. The inside of the walls were titans. Like I don't know about that.' Thought Lumine calmly. Nick speaks up one more time, angered to see that they want to touch "the gift from God." Armin says that it is due to people like him that it took so long to mount weaponry on the Walls with Ian stating that these people have a lot of power and support. As the argument between Nick and the merchant continues, Zachary quiets them down and asks Eren whether he still wants to continue to serve as a soldier of mankind, with Eren confirming that. Zachary had look at Ian to confirm which Ian confirm it. Zachary then look at Lumine. "Well, Fullbuster. Is there anything accident in the Trost?" Asked Zachary calmly. Lumine was look bored on her face. "Nope, sir. There's no accident happen in the Trost. After Eren transform into a titan, he already control it and bring the boulder without failed. He already plugged the hole without any problem, sir. There were more witnesses saw him sealed it without any problem. If you have a doubt, you can asked them who were there, sir." Said Lumine calmly.

Zachary seem interested on Lumine before he nodded his head. He then asked Mikasa which she did but Nile take advantage of it as he revealed about her past. It make Lumine feel disgusted at Nile who reveal in a wrong way. Lumine had raised her hand asked for a permission which Zachary nodded his head. Lumine felt happy to get a chance. "Thank you, sir. Commander Nile, sorry if I rude to you. What right do you have to tell about their past? As far as I know, Eren has succeeded sealing the wall without any problem. You can be allowed to tell their past if Eren does something dangerous. But, which is dangerous for Eren to do? Nothing, right? Your honor, this is against the law. Shouldn't Nile sir have been punished by his action against the law, sir?" Said Lumine with a firm tone make Nile pale.

Zachary had take her words and nodded his head as he agree with Lumine. Zachary had stopped the noise as he make a decision. He told them that Eren's past will not included with his success sealing the wall. He decided to putting Eren in Survey corps in Levi's care and he close the case. Lumine feel glad that Eren not get beaten by Levi to get the custody of Eren. Even so, Lumine have been called by Erwin which she have to meet him in the room with Eren and the others. Lumine had look calm as she waited about what Erwin want to talk with her. Erwin smiled at Lumine. "Cadet Fullbuster, I had see a report about you. It was said that you kill 70 titans. You're impress me, Cadet Fullbuster." Said Erwin with a smile on his face. Lumine seem respect Erwin as she nodded her head. " Thank you, Commander Erwin. But why are you calling me for?" Asked Lumine calmly looking at Erwin. Erwin seem understand as he going to asked her. " May I know which branch you will join, Cadet Fullbuster?" Asked Erwin as he hoping that she will choose survey corps.

Lumine seem catch up of his tone. A hope. She just shook her head before she answered him. "I choose Survey corps, Commander Erwin." Said Lumine simply. She was amused to see Erwin's expression. He was smile in relief that Lumine choose their branch. "I see. Then would you like to graduate early and join us? I will put you in Levi's squad, Cadet Fullbuster." Said Erwin softly. Lumine sigh knowing that she will join Levi's squad but she have to decline it as she need to protect some people when the expedition come. "Sorry, sir. I have to decline that offer. I have my reason and I will graduate with my friends. I'm sorry, sir." Said Lumine calmly make Erwin sigh in disappoint but he can't force her. Erwin just nodded his head. Lumine then look Eren who been hold by Carla. Lumine know that Carla worry of Eren. Carla doesn't have any clue about Eren can transform into a titan. But Lumine know how Eren can be a titan shifter. It was his father, Grisha Jaeger.

Eren had listen make him looked at Lumine. "Really, Lumine-nee? You had been offered by Commander Erwin and you decline it? Why?" Asked Eren with a frown on his face. Lumine sigh as she flicked his forehead make him yelped in pain. "You idiot, Eren. There was a reason why I decline it and I can't leave those two alone. Mikasa and Armin, Eren. Beside I promise them that I will be there no matter what and I can't leave them if I join you. That will be unfair for them. You know how they are, Eren." Said Lumine calmly. Eren sigh as he know what her meaning." Yeah, I guess so. Even they have at each other, they still can't stay away from me especially you, Lumine-nee." Said Eren sigh when thinking about Mikasa. Lumine just ruffle his hair before she bowed her head to leave which Erwin allowed her. Lumine had avoid Levi because she felt her heart beating fast if she staying there longer. She was sigh thinking that something will happen in two days.

'How to save Annie from that plan? And how do I hide my identity so they don't know I'm a titan shifter?' - Lumine

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