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A/n: ❤Happy spring break readers as a token of my love for all things non-school related, take this picture that cures depression as an example of my kindness, have fun making bitchen bad choices you horny fags, little warning be careful around those concerts❤.

3rd person Pov

We return to Millie cornered by four demons in an alleyway, each ready to pounce on each other.

Noran: You're funny little lady, but I'm not intimidated by you.

Vex: I kinda am.

Knox: Shut up.

Millie: Look I'm kind of late for something so if you could ju-

Noran: I already told you if you try negotiating things won't be good for you.

Millie shrugged her shoulders.

Millie: Don't say I didn't try.

Biff the imp began to slowly creep on Millie hands primed to grab her, when she whipped around and decked him in the nose, He howled in pain, gripping his nose, Millie swept him off his feet. Knox backhanded her into the wall, and Noran squeezed her with his tail.

Noran: You're gonna fucking regret that!

She bit his tail, loosening his grip she head butt him and kicked him away. Knox grabbed her leg and hurled her towards Vex. He caught her and slammed her head into the wall rubbing her face against the brick, Millie pushed herself off the wall and elbowed the succubus in the ribs. Biff stood up rubbing his bleeding nose.

Biff: Ah she broke my bloody nose!

Noran: Do something you A-hole!

Noran coiled his tail around Millie's leg and whipped her into the wall, she pulled out her knife and stabbed the tib causing Noran to scream in pain and withdraw his grip. Vex grabbed her wrist and wrenched the knife out of her hand. Biff now pulled out a gun and attempted to aim it at Millie. She kicked Vex in the balls causing him to scream and fall to his knees. Biff fired and Millie rolled backwards underneath the shot, she stood up and kicked the gun out of his hand and headbutted him. He reeled back and inspected his nose.

Biff: Hey, you fixed it!

She punched him in the nose, causing him to fall back shrieking.

Millie: And now I broke it again.

She was caught off guard as Knox grabbed her neck and suspends her in the air.

Knox: I'm gonna make you suffer, BITCH!

He increases his grip and his claws dug into her neck drawing blood, as she struggled to stay conscience from the lack of air. Noran eyed the scene, two of his men were down crying as they clutched their parts. He saw the gun and attempted to reach for it, when Millie pulled out a shuriken and threw it at his hand. He screamed and pulled back gripping his bleeding hand, she repeatedly punched the hellhound's arm only making him angrier. As her vision started to become stained with black, she pulled out a throwing knife and threw it into Knox's eye. He screamed and let go of Millie, dropping to the ground she gasped for air. Noran using his undamaged hand grabbed the gun and fired at Millie who dodged and rolled out of the way. With the sweep of his tail he knocked her off her feet, she rolled out of the way of another shot. She pulled out a small knife and threw it at Noran's gun, the knife pierced it as the gun was reloading causing it to detonate in Noran's hand. He fell back and Millie pinned him down, she began to repeatedly deck him in the face until an angry Knox tore her off of him. She dropped kicked him in the knee, but it was ineffective. He swept his hand at her attempting to shred her with his claws, she just barely dodged underneath the attack, but his claws still razed her cheek. He kicked her away and pounced on her pinning her to the ground, he tried to punch her but she moved her head out of the way. His fist hit the ground causing it to crack, he attempted to bite her, but Millie stopped his jaws with her hands prying his mouth open. Slowly being overpowered, Knox's mouth started to close, Millie's fingers started to bleed. She then bit Knox on the face causing him reel back griping his face. Noran with a bruised and bleeding face sat up and swung his tail towards Millie, she ducked underneath the attack, but Knox wasn't as fast he was hit head on and was sent barreling back into a car denting its side. He slumped unconscious as his head lolled. The two's eyes flew to the knife Millie dropped earlier and the back to each other. They both darted to the knife, Noran tripped Millie and grabbed the blade, he bore down the knife on Millie who dodged. He attempted to slice her several times, but she dodged them all. On the last swing she grabbed his arm and swiftly chopped his wrist. Sending the knife flying away, she bolted towards it and Noran hacked up a loogie and spat out a glowing yellow stream. Millie jumped out of the way, the venom hit the ground and began to sizzle as it melted the concrete. Millie grabbed the knife, but was pulled back as Noran's tail began to coil around body.

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