Torture: Message from a Friend

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3rd Person POV

Amidst the cold unwelcoming halls of the fortress, pained screams echoed of the walls. Once again, an enraged Y/n was once again chained up, with larger heavier weights he couldn't possibly move even in this state and more chains wrapped around his body. A furious Dante was jabbing a burning hot coal prodder into Y/n's side.

Dante: How do you like that, huh? Mr. hit me with a hammer!

Y/n: When I get out of here, I'm gonna personally see to it that your head rolls.

Dante: *Sarcastically* Oooohhhh I'm so scared.

Watching from the sidelines was a disapproving Enzio.

Enzio: You let Darrett escape, the reason I suppose is to warn your friends?

Y/n: Like I'm gonna tell you shit, fuck off!

Dante smacked him in the face with the prodder and was rewarded with a groan.

Dante: Watch your tone!

Enzio: Can't you tell if he's lying?

The torturer shook his head.

Dante: Normally I would, but he's too mad for me to tell, the burning scent of rage masks all other smells.

Enzio: Tricky bastard, I imagine this is a biproduct of my parenting?

Dante shrugged.

Dante: I think you hit him too much, his psyche is.......bad, to say the least, he's stuck in fight or flight preservation triggered by feelings of deep rage and aggression, sends him into a state of bestiality.

Y/n struggled against the chains groaning in frustration as he struggled in an attempt to break free.

Enzio: You've only delayed the inevitable, your friends will still die no matter what you do!

Y/n tried to lunge towards him, growling and snapping at an unflinching Enzio.

Enzio: Save it, this time you're not getting out.


Darrett ran through a long winding tunnel illuminated by bioluminescent geodes, his pursuers not too far behind him, taunting him.

Goon #1: We're coming for that ass!

Goon #2: Let me taste you!

Darrett ignored their taunts and kept moving picking up the pace.

Darrett: "Can't stop gotta keep going"

Having memorized the route back to the city, he moved with total efficiency, leaving his pursuers in the dust.

Goon #3: Don't let him get away!

It was too late their shouts became barely audible echoes as the distance between them increased. Yet he didn't slow, time was of the essence, if he was too slow then all would be lost. A breeze from the other end of the tunnel, whipped in Darrett's face,

Darrett: Almost there.

He emerged from the dark cavern and shielded his eyes from the light. On the horizon was Imp city, Darrett caught his breath and kept running. Back in the tunnel the goons had gotten lost, the lead one pulled out a phone and speed dialed.

Goon #1: Hey boss.......yeah um.......he got away.

Enzio: It's fine we'll wait till he reaches them and ambush them all at once.

Goon #1: Yeah um.......could you pick us up?

Enzio: Consider this as punishment for your failure. 

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