Who Let the Dogs Out?

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A/n: Hello fags did'ja miss me, I sure enjoyed my week of freedom, but back to the Matrix I guess, in light of the new Helluva boss episode "Exes and oohs" I think we can lighten up on the teasing of Moxxie just a little, that annoying little bastard had a depresso-expresso childhood so we can ease on his physical abuse, but he will continue to be verbally abused. Also, also I think I accidentally nerfed Millie HARD, seeing how she fucking killed a guy with a dildo, nutso! Also also also,  WOT Loona had no voice lines! my disappointment is immeasurable and after she had a such major importance to the plot in the episode prior, expect lots of talking from this gorl, also also also also sorry for the cringy ass title couldn't think of anything else LMFAO.

Loona Pov

Y/n and I are very disappointed, we've been looking for him a place to stay for what seems to be hours with no progress. It was somewhat hard to tell but I think Y/n was a little pissed.


He stormed over to an overflowing trash can and punted away, I heard a pained scream in the distance meaning that some unlucky fuck was hit. He sat down at the bench I was sitting at and huffed.

Loona: You good man?

Y/n: No, we've been looking for so long and we haven't found anything.

Loona: That's not true we've found some places.

He gave me an "are you serious?" look.

Y/n: Oh, yeah like sex central?


3rd person POV

Loona and Y/n were getting a tour of a.......somewhat sleazy apartment complex from a salesman like landlord. Touring with them was a........worm thing wearing a short shirt, a shifty looking Imp and a twitchy gremlin creature.

Landlord: And behind this door we have the boiler room!

He opened the door revealing a cramped space, inside was a large boiler, like an actual bathtub of boiling water.

Y/n: The fuck's this room for?

Landlord: This is where we cook the tenants who fail to pay the rent, but don't worry pay it when its due and you won't even have to worry 'bout this.

Loona: How much is the rent?

Landlord: Eh it varies depending on my mood.

He led the group further down the hall, but as he did a burly chef wearing a bloodstained apron carried a screaming demon in his arms bound by rope to the tub and dropped him in.

Landlord: In here we have the....

He smiled

Landlord:.....pleasure room.

Inside was a heart-shaped bed along with multiple paintings of important historical figures screwing on the walls. Y/n peeked his head in and heard very "sexy" music, as he pulled his head out it stopped. He repeated this in quick succession, the music turning on and off every time.

Y/n: The hell?

Landlord: Yeah, I can't really explain that.

They stopped at another door from inside a man was begging.

Landlord: And my personal favorite......

He swung open the door.

Landlord: The CBT room!

Loona who was drinking some iced coffee choked on her drink and swallowed the straw. Inside was........oh hell no I'm not describing that, wait no don't put the scissors near his, oh god no, NO NOOOOOOOOO!

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