Heaven: Rage and Clarity

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3rd Person POV

Y/n's eyes flashed, he growled and began to sit up.

Enzio: *Scoffs* What's the matter getting mad?

Y/n punched Enzio in the face, he brought his middle and pointer finger to his nose and inspected the drop of blood.

Enzio: It took you THAT long....to make me bleed?


He began to prowl on all fours.

Enzio: Then why don't you come and get me you son of a BITCH?! 

Y/n leapt towards Enzio and pinned him to the ground, in a flurry he punched and clawed at his face finally getting a few hits of his own in. Enzio pushed him off, but Y/n was relentless, he grabbed the dark lord by his neck and began to drag him on the ground. Enzio broke free and headbutt his son, the two kicked away from each other and stood up. Y/n made the first move, flashing his claws, he tried to tear Enzio apart, but he ducked and weaved under each swiped of his hand. The Dark Lord swung his hatchet and managed to slightly cut Y/n, but he ignored the pain and slashed Enzio across the face. He reeled in pain but was grabbed by the scruff and brought in for a headbutt. His opponent stunned, Y/n unleashed a combo of kicks and punches.

Two decks to the face, a double kick to the head, a punch to the gut, roundhouse kick to the side, a tail whip across the cheek, a claw to the shoulder and finally a powerful uppercut that knocked Enzio off his feet and knocked him to the ground, he quickly rolled out the way of an incoming heel smash that shattered the ground where he once laid. The Dark Lord swung his chain like a lasso and wrapped the Savage up pinning his arms to the side. With a wide motion he swung Y/n into a concrete air conditioner, smashing though it and was launched away out of view.

Enzio waited for his opponent to come back and fight, but he didn't return, curious he cautiously walked towards the maze of appliances. He kept a lookout scanning his surroundings for any sign of a surprise attack.

Enzio: Come out, come out wherever you are!

He growled and looked around in desperation.

Enzio: Why are you hiding, where are you!?


Enzio looked up to see Y/n standing above him and before he could react Y/n jumped down and slammed him into a wall. Y/n snarled, as he squeezed Enzio's neck, but he broke free and shoved him away. However, Y/n used his momentum and jumped off a wall a dove towards Enzio breaking through the wall behind them. Enzio writhed on the ground, laying on the floor when suddenly Y/n crashed on top of him and tried to bite his face off. His teeth were only held back by Enzio's grip mere inches away. The Dark Lord began to slowly overpower Y/n before kicking him away. He stood up and stalked towards his resting opponent.

Enzio: What out of stamina?

The blood loss had begun to slow down Y/n tiring him out, he was helpless as Enzio sat on his back and wrapped the chain around his neck. He kicked and thrashed but, the Dark Lord's strength was still far greater.

Enzio: Give........up!

Y/n gasped and choked as he violently attempted to pry the coil around his neck, the animosity practically pouring off of him.

Enzio: LOOK AT YOURSELF......you're an animal, you're gonna die a savage!

Y/n: I'M.....NOT...

Enzio: What....not a monster? YES....YOU......ARE, and it's fucking hilarious how you think you're better than me when you've killed and murdered just as much as me.

Heaven in hell (Loona x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now