Chapter Four

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It's been two months since moving to London. I know that's not a long time, but it feels like years. In the time that I've been here, I have finished three paintings, read a quarter of the books at the tea room, and I've started learning jujitsu. Oh, and I have run into Sherlock twenty times, but who's counting? Although every time we pass, the urge for him to kiss me as he once did is still there.

London is quite beautiful, despite the crime rate, even for Baker Street. The only downfall is...

thump, thump

Sherlock's pacing. I could do without that. Picking up my painting brush, I go in to make one small detail to my now fourth painting.


thump thump

"Damn it," I growled, as another loud thump came from above. I gathered myself, threw on a robe to conceal my night dress, and headed out the door and up the stairs.

I knocked furiously on the door until he answered. With the last knock, the door was pulled open, revealing an exhausted, messy-haired, irritated Sherlock. His expression softened when he noticed me.


"Sherlock," I replied sternly.

"What are you doing here at this hour?"

To be fair, it was late at night.

"Oh, uhm," I have to admit, when I saw his state, I had forgotten why I had even come up.

"I've come to ask-" I started before I noticed the state of his flat and pushed my way in.

"Why is it such a mess?" I demanded.

"Working on a case," he replied.

"You have papers everywhere, how on earth are you concentrating?"

"Well, I was concentrating, until you knocked on my door and barged in," he retorted.

"So, I'm the distraction?" I questioned. "Because if anyone is distracting anyone, it is you, with your constant pacing back and forth."

"What am I distracting you from? Painting?" he joked.

My silence said enough and his expression changed.

"You never painted in your life, Rose," he said.

"Yes, well, a lot has changed since you left," I stated.

"I've noticed," he smiled.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, noticing his expression.

"Well, you're most definitely not the same young girl I've known all those years ago," he said.

"How so?" I asked.

"Surely, Rose, I shouldn't have to explain," he said softly.

Finally realizing the meaning of his words, I took in a deep breath and let it out.

"Yes, well, it's late," I said, turning toward the door.

"Please quiet your pacing, it's distracting," I finished before taking my leave and heading back to my room.


Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Surely, Rose, I shouldn't have to explain."

Those words stuck in my mind. Does he still have feelings for me?

"No," I laughed.

"It's Sherlock. He doesn't care for anyone unless they're his work."

Sighing and finally getting comfortable, I closed my eyes to sleep.

thump, thump

My eyes shot open.


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