Chapter Ten

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The next morning as I woke up, I noticed I was no longer in the library. It was as if I was a kid again; falling asleep somewhere in the house and always waking up in my bed. Only I wasn't a kid anymore and this wasn't my bed, it was sherlocks.

I got up and looked around the room. the room was dark even with the sun light shining through, he liked things dark. maybe that's why he was always getting hurt while on a case. running my hands through the curtains more memories came flooding back; but not one I wanted to remember.


"you will write me Sherlock?" I asked 

nothing no response. he had turned so cold.

"Ill write you Emberly" 

"thank you Enola, I'm going to miss you so much" I said as I hugged her tightly.

letting go, I turned back to Sherlock, I wanted him to kiss me so much but I knew he wouldn't. Mycroft made sure of that.

"well, ill see you all soon" I solemnly spoke. if he was going to be cold, then so was i.


shaking my thoughts, I looked down and noticed a bunch of letters on the table. 

"he got them?" I asked my self. 

suddenly something caught my eye from the window. looking over I noticed a vehicle.

"oh no" I said and ran out the door. 


busting into the study, I found the boys sitting and reading.

"you can't send Enola to that school" I spoke

"I can, and I will" Mycroft said through his smoking pipe

"and you," I looked at Sherlock "how dare you just sit there and let him do this to her"

"Enola is Mycrofts ward, I have no place to step in" he stated

"no pla-" 

"if that school will teach her anything, its to be a proper lady," putting his paper down Mycroft looked me up and down. " or maybe it won't" 

looking down at myself I was in fact still in my night gown.

suddenly Enola came storming through the door.

"No! please don't do this to me. let me remain happy. I am happy here." she begged

the side of her face was red. clearly she was slapped

"you're a young woman now, Enola. You need and education. Emberly went peacefully, and so will you"

"test me on anything you think I need to know in order to be sufficient for this world" she told Mycroft. 

"if mother taught you so well, you wouldn't be standing in your undergarments in front of me" he told her. "you have no hope of finding a husband in your current state" he finished

"but I don't want a husband" argued Enola

"and yet another thing you need to have educated out of you" he spoke and went back to his paper. 

undefeated she turned to Sherlock and begged at his feet

"Sherlock, don't let him do this to me"

"you are his ward," he said coldly 

"make me yours then. Guide me. Teach me. For him i am a nuisance. For you-"

"Enola" sherlock interupted. looking down at his pleading sister, his expression turned soft "I am sorry, it is out of my hands" 

"just like his cruelty to our mother was out of your hands" she said standing

"Enola" I said in shock

"you always speak up for me, why now are you taking his side" her lip quivered, it was breaking my heart that I couldn't help her.

" it is out of our hands, I truly am sorry Enola" I said

Miss Harrison soon entered the room 

"we'll we had a lovely little chat, haven't we? I can tell we're going to be firm friends" she smiled, and looked over at me.

"ms. Williams how lovely to see you again" she said looking me up and down, shocked at my state. 

"hmm" she said before turning back to the boys

Mycroft stood up and made his way over " oh Miss Harrison. I am so grateful for your kindness"

"Mr. Holmes, it's an honor" she blushed

"how shall bring her tomorrow myself" Mycroft told

"yourself? good" she smiled adjusting her dress. looking over at Sherlock who seemed just as confused and uncomfortable.

"ms. Williams," I heard 

"yes?" I responded

"do find yourself a husband, I didn't allow you into my school for nothing" Miss Harrison spoke

 I nodded in response as she turned and left.

looking down at my night gown I sighed and stormed off to change.

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