Chapter Sixteen

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Emberly was staring out at the window while Sherlock was reading the paper he brought with him, waiting for Enola.

I wasn't sure why he was so keen on bringing the paper with him but he did.

the door opened and  i turned around "Mr. Holmes. Miss williams." Miss Harrison greeted while forcing Enola's chin up.

"You" Enola said painfully, i felt bad for her. I knew what she most likely been through and hated how Sherlock just left her to fend for her self against her brother. Sherlock had the chance to help her but he didn't

"Thank you, Miss Harrison." Sherlock thanked closing the book he had randomly picked up a moment before.

"Oh. Of course." Miss Harrison patted Enola leaving the room.

"I have never seen such a range of romances in my life." He said referring to the book and putting it on the desk. "It's enlightening to turn you to newspapers" Sherlock said and Enola walked over grabbing the newspaper he was holding still.

"I have a right to be mad in a place like this." Enola said

"She's quite right" I agreed "I was forced into calligraphy as a child." i let out a small disgusted groan. " I Hated it"

"but there's rarely a case where someone's handwriting doesn't tell me something I need to know." Sherlock interrupted.

"And what might I learn from deportment?"
Enola questioned

"The way a person stands may disguise who they are." I told her as Sherlock took a seat

"Nothing's wasted." Sherlock added on

"Have you found her?" Enola asked her brother

"No, not yet." He said closing the book "I went to the tearooms, where Edith threatened me with a teapot. And to the lime house." Sherlock

"When did you go there?" I asked surprised

"When you we let taking a nap" Sherlock smiled.

Enola looked down. Sherlock chuckled."

"Did you find the gun powder? And the bombs?" Enola asked

"I did." Sherlock told her
"Why would she-" Before Enola could finish

Sherlock cut her off "I shudder to think. Perhaps she wants to change the world." Sherlock said

"Perhaps it's a world that needs changing." *i said almost to myself.

Enola said "Will you stop her?"

Sherlock got up after Enola's question "I don't get involved in politics."

"Or people, either, unless they're clues." I said

"That's not true," Sherlock defended and Enola ignored him and Emberly took a quick glance at him

"Did you two help Mycroft catch me?" Ebola asked

"No." Sherlock answered

"Ha" I said

Enola and Sherlock turned to me confused

"you're brother would have rather spent his time solving a case as to what your mother is doing than worry about you in this place." It was clear I was still upset with Sherlock, I knew he still had to find your mother but you should have been too priority. I moved near Enola

"But you found out about the money. You told him." Enola said putting the paper down

"You disappeared. I had to know how far you would run." Sherlock told her

'I'm just a case to you, aren't I?" Enola questioned her older brother

"A curiosity. Is that why you're here, to pick my brains?"


"Or possibly you're feeling guilty." Enola argued

"'I'm here because I care for you." Sherlock told her

"You're being emotional. It's understandable, but unnecessary." Enola said smiling sitting down.

I turned away facing the window again. Maybe I wasn't giving him enough credit. he truly did care for Enola, and here I was treating him as if he didn't. I turned back watching as he pulled out Dash.

"I found it under her pillow. She kept it, you see." Sherlock told Enola

"Dash" Enola said picking Dash up

"Sentimental, really, but she always did...she always found you quite extraordinary. " Sherlock told his sister

"As do I, Enola"

"The choice is always yours. Whatever society may claim, it can't control you. As Mother has proven. Keep the paper." Sherlock smiled.

he turned and left and Enola and I turned to each other and hugged.

"I'm so sorry you're here" I said

"thank you" she returned.

I kissed her cheek and turned and left as well.

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