Chapter Seven

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Sherlock's POV

The sunlight streaming through the window woke me. As I attempted to rise from the bed, a hand on my chest stopped me. Glancing down, I saw Rose still asleep. It seemed we hadn't moved at all since falling asleep. She looked peaceful. I carefully and slowly moved her arm off me, trying not to wake her. Once I was free, I got up and dressed.

Still lacking the courage to wake her, I decided to leave her a note, explaining where I was so she wouldn't worry.

Placing it on the table beside her, I couldn't help but notice how the sunlight danced on her porcelain skin, how her hair gracefully lay across her face. I had always thought she looked perfect doing anything, and I was right; even in sleep, she was perfect.

Rose's POV

Slowly opening my eyes, I allowed them to adjust to the sunlight shining through the curtains. I found myself alone in bed... and it seemed, in the flat as well. Sitting up and covering myself with the sheets, I noticed a letter on the nightstand.


If I remember correctly, you are likely reading this around noon.
I'm off to visit my sister, with Mycroft.
I will be back as soon as I can. Feel free to eat the rest of my Dundee cake if you'd like. What's mine is yours.
Be back soon.

Love, Sherlock"

"Noon? Hmm, and if I know you, Sherlock, you are on the next train out at 1 o'clock," I said to myself.

Just like how I wake up close to noon, he too wakes close to noon. So, I still had time to catch up to him. I mean, I couldn't let him go see Enola without me.

Getting dressed as quickly as I could, I headed out the door, caught a carriage, and headed toward the train station.

Once there, I stepped out and entered the station. No sign of Sherlock.

"Ms. Williams?" I heard from behind. Turning around, expecting Sherlock, I was surprised.

"Mycroft?" I questioned.

"Who were you expecting?" He asked.

"I was expecting Sherlock," I replied. "But it's still lovely to see you."

"Yes, it is," he replied. "I see you're still following Sherlock."

"Well, when I heard he was heading to the family home to see Enola, I had to see if I could catch him before he left. And since you're still here, I arrived just in time," I explained.

"Ah, Rose, you made it," Sherlock smiled as he approached. "Mycroft, you remember Rose."

"Yes, you were right, she has changed. I never imagined I'd ever see her dressed as a proper lady," Mycroft commented.

Scowling towards Mycroft, Sherlock smirked a little.

"Well, now that we are all here, let's board, shall we?" Sherlock suggested, extending his hand toward the train. He then offered me his arm, which I gladly took.

People watched as we walked toward the train and boarded.

Mycroft had entered one end of the train, Sherlock and I a few cars down.

Once we were seated, Sherlock pulled out a newspaper and began to read. I stared out the window.

After a few moments of silence, I spoke.

"Mycroft doesn't like me very much, does he?" I asked.

Sherlock looked over the top of the paper. "Where did you get that idea?" He replied.

"He doesn't seem to care for anything I say or do," I explained.

"Nonsense, he holds high respect for you, Rose," he assured me.

"Only if I'm married," I mumbled under my breath.

Realizing we had about an hour left on the train, I pulled out a book and began to read.

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