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Sunday, 25th November


Hmmm, this bed is so comfortable and something smells so good. I felt so relaxed where I lay that my will to get up was dissipating by the second but unfortunately, I remembered that I have a pack to run and I can't sleep forever.

I sighed and finally opened my eyes, panicking immediately when I realized that I was definitely not in my room. I tried to get up but I couldn't because I was being held down and cuddled by a strange man.

As I made to attack my apparent kidnapper, the incessant howling of my wolf in the back of my mind made me freeze. It was then that I took a deep breath and the most divine aroma I've ever smelt assaulted my senses.


I was in a frozen state of shock, unable to process this sudden realization. This kidnapper is my mate? But he's male? and human!? He might be a good looking one but still!

I can't believe that the person I spent five months tracking down is literally right here cuddling me and I'm in his room, on his bed...wearing his pajamas? When did my clothes get changed? Did we already do the deed? Fuck, my first time with my mate and I was too buzzed to even remember it.

My internal panic seemed to have disturbed my mate because he stirred in his sleep and held me down even tighter.

"Stop squirming, it's too early," he groaned and Oh My Goddess, I don't know if it's just because of the mate bond or the remnants of the alcohol in my system and to be honest, I think it's probably both, but his morning voice is the sexiest thing I've ever heard, if I was an omega, I'm sure to have been leaking already.

"Sorry," I mumbled as my wolf, Jacob scolded me internally for disturbing our mate's peaceful slumber.

So that's it? We're just gonna accept the strange human boy that kidnapped us as our mate? Okay then.

"It's fin- wait!" the boy shouted as he suddenly sat up on his bed, pushing me off of himself and consequently, the bed in the process. "You're awake?"

Confused and partially in shock from the sudden action, I gave no response, but sat there, groaning and rubbing my back from the rather ungraceful landing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I was just a bit startled," the boy said, pulling me back onto the bed. "Do you remember anything that happened last night?"

"Ughhh...last thing I remember was heading to a bar and getting drunk off my ass" I replied as I sat down with my legs crisscrossed and turned to face him.

I tried to play it cool, trying to act nonchalant despite my internal turmoil as I discreetly observed his features. Dark skin, curly dark brown hair, toned body... and shirtless. My wolf, Jacob, was eager to run our fingers through his hair and I couldn't deny the urge I was feeling to run my hands over his body.

"Well, you passed out in the middle of the road and I brought you back home, for some reason I just felt drawn to you and couldn't leave you out there," he explained drawing my attention back to his face. I tried to play it cool though, hoping he hadn't noticed me ogling his chest.

And also, he didn't abduct me to perform some sort of sacrifice with me. Yeah, that makes more sense.

"I guess that's just the mating pull," I shrugged and he looked at me confused.

Whoops. The fact that he's a human sort of just slipped my mind for a second.

"The what?"

Well, I've already said this much, and he's going to have to hear about it sooner or later, might as well tell him now.

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